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EARLY ASF WITT THIS UPDATE BUT ENJOY:)))). Btw imma update again later so double update today 😌
Melody's POV

We are finally arriving home,

I had to stay in the car when Jack went to get the oreos and pads because I am bleeding a lot and needed pads.. which he got much more than just oreos

He carried Brinley in one hand, her in the seat thingy Jack's mom went and bought apparently.

I hold onto Jack as we walk slowly up to our house like apartment.

Its not really an apartment.

We just rented a house what am I saying. Its not an apartment.

Blondey and Raya living with us because well technically Jack lived with Blondey, and I lived with Raya.

They wanted to move with us.

So yeah.

We get inside and I lay down on the couch immediately.

"I thought you were going to take a bath?" He asked me.

"Can you carry me?" I asked him pouting, hurting

"Sure baby." He said and set the baby on the couch in her car seat thingy that gets carried around with her.

He carries me to the bathroom quickly and then walks back and gets Brinley.

He sits on the toilet, the seat closed while I took a bath.

"The doctor said that I have to wait for her umbilical cord thingy to fall off before she can take a bath. and to just wipe her down daily." I tell him and he nods, holding her in his arms.

"Babe I still can't believe that I am holding MY baby" He said still very excited.

"I know right its crazy" I said and he nodded.

"OH my god. She opened her eyes.." He said getting all excited because she has opened her eyes twice already and he hasn't seen it yet.

"Calm down Jack." I said giggling at his enthusiasm

"I love you so much." He said and stood up, holding Brinley still and he knelt down next to the bath tub and pecked my lips a bunch.

"Jack" I said giggling as he started kissing all around my face.

He smiles and pecks my lips again.

"Can you bring me a pad so I can get out? and get dressed?" I asked and he nodded.

He carries Brinley out and then comes back with her and a pad and some comfy clothes and a pair of underwear.

"What underwear is that?" I asked him.

"I didn't know which one to get you. So I grabbed a couple to choose from" He said shrugging and walking out to let me dress.

I dry off and quickly put on a pair of underwear and a pad, and then dressing in the sweatpants and a deep v neck tee shirt. he had brought me.

I let out the water and waddle into my bedroom to see Jack laying down with Brinley on his chest, rubbing her small back.

I lay down next to him and he checks the time

"When are you supposed to feed her again?" He asked me.

"I don't know.." I said checking the time on my phone.


"Now." I said and he nods handing her to me.

"Wait. Can you make me a bowl of oreos. I don't want to hear the crinkley package." I tell him and he nods.

I get her situated with my boob, doing like our mom's said and once again, hated the feeling but its whatever.

He comes back with a big bowl with I am pretty sure all of the oreos in it and sits down next to me.

We both eat the oreos slowly as he does something on his phone.

"Tell me when the 45 minutes is up" I said and he nods.

Jack's arm wraps around me and he scoots closer and kisses my temple, going back on his phone.

I just watch what he does while Brinley does her thing.

Once it was almost an hour, I figured I would stop because well It was about time to.

I fix my shirt back right and she lays on my chest.

She falls asleep quickly and I smile a little.

And then the door bursts open and hits the wall and she starts crying.

I look up and see Raya and Blondey, both covering their mouths.

"Sorrrryyy" Raya trailed off as I tried to shush her from crying.

"Its okay baby" I say quietly, rubbing her back and she stops crying soon.

I look back up and they quietly walk over and crawl into Jack and I's bed.

We both look at them weird.

They looked at Brinley.

"What do y'all want?" Jack asked quietly.

"Just to look" Blondey replied as they gawked over my baby.

"Can't y'all look tomorrow?" I asked tiredly.

"Ugh. Fine. Fine" They agreed getting up and walking out.

I feel myself getting very tired.

"Wake me up when I need to feed her" I mumbled and Jack replies with an Okay.

I fall asleep with her on my chest and Jack right up next to me with his arm around me.

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