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Melody's POV

A month goes by and Jack and I are still the same.. We are definitely closer, like I would consider him a friend now.. We got to know eachother a lot more but we are still very sexual with eachother.

Not complaining though.

Anyways.. I soon learned that the guys who came over were Blondey, which I knew him, Matthew, Nash, and Sammy.

And let me tell you.

Raya was very fond of Sammy.

I would say I am friends with them now also. But blondey just started dating this girl and let me tell you, She is literally like flawless.

Her name is Claudia and she is really nice too.

I get out of bed and walk out of my room.

I go into the kitchen and see Sammy and Blondey looking through the refrigerator.

I push past them and grab a water bottle and then turn around, heading back to my room.

"Damnn girl your ass is nice, why you always hiding it?" I hear Sammy say

"I'm not. Guess you just don't pay attention." I said slapping my ass as I walked back to my room.

I lay on my bed and get on my phone.

I have just gotten to where I don't care that they see me in a sportsbra and underwear, because they have a few times and they don't care either.

Since we have all became friends the guys are kind of in and out randomly.

They tell us we need to lock the door more often but I normally forget.

I hear my door open and I look back and see Jack.

"You're here too?" I asked and he walks in, shutting the door.

"Yes I am here I came with Johnson and Sammy" He said laying on my bed.

"Oh. I guess I didn't see you" I said shrugging.

"Anyways. How did you sleeeppp?" He asked and I clicked off my phone and sat up.

I shrugged.

"Okay I guess." I said shrugging and I hug him and he chuckles, wrapping his arms around me too.

"You know.. Its only been four days.. You couldn't have missed me that much" He said joking around.

"Well.. You are very useful when you're around because sometimes. I want to cuddle. And you will cuddle with me.. But other times I am horny, And you will have sex with me.. But sometimes I am tired. And you will take a nap with me. And then when I want to just hangout you hangout with me. So I mean. Yeah.. You never know what happened during those four days. I could have been horny. I could have needed a cuddle buddy. I definitely needed a cuddle buddy, I snuck into Rayas bed last night and slept with her" I said and he chuckles.

"And. If I am hungry. You make me a sammich. Like. Raya hates making me sammiches because she never does it right and I complain, But you do it how I tell you and it tastes amazing" I said.

"Yeah and it is kind of weird because you will be like. 'Be sure to put one piece of cheese on the bottom bread, and then two pieces of ham. And then another piece of cheese, and then the mustard. And cut it into four triangles, and push them until there is enough space for a handful of potato chips in the center, and bring me a pickle'" He said in a mimicking voice.

"Actually. Its three pieces of ham" I said and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Oh.. Right" He said sarcastically..

"You made me hungry" I said sighing.

"I made me hungry too" He said rubbing his stomach.

"I want a banana sammich though" I said standing up.

He stands up too and he smacks my ass as we walked out.

I glare back at him and walk into the kitchen.

I grab a banana and then grab some peanut butter, some sugar, and then hotdog buns.

I set them on the counter and Jack watches me.

I grab myself a plate and then put a hotdog bun on the plate, opening it.

I grab a butter knife and then open the peanut butter I put some peanut butter all inside the bun, and then I but plenty of sugar on top of it.

I open the banana and break off the size that will fit in the bun and then eat the rest.

I throw the banana peel away and put everything back away and then turn to Jack with my banana sammich.

"You just put a banana.. In a hotdog bun" He said to me.

"Yes and?" I asked.

"That is fucking genius" He said.

I look at my banana sammich.

"You should make me one" He said and I sigh, setting my plate down and getting the stuff back out and making him one also.

I hand him his plate with the banana sammich and then we walk into the livingroom, where Raya, Blondey, and Sammy are talking.

"Guys. Melody is a fucking genius." Jack said sitting on the couch.

They all look to him.

"She put. A banana. In a hotdog bun. To make a banana sandwich" He said and I sat on the loveseat criss cross, I pull the throw blanket up over my legs because they are cold, and then started eating as they talked about me being a genius.

"Guys. I know I am amazing but its just a banana" I said

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