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Melody's POV

Three months later.

I finally was able to get Brinley sleeping around 6 hours at night. Which is really good because that means I get 6 hours of sleep too so whoopdido

I woke up earlier and made a pretty simple breakfast with just eggs and bacon for Jack and I.
I have finally lost quite a bit of the baby weight but damn it is hard to do that.

But I have to go grocery shopping.

I get myself dressed and then get Brinley dressed also.

I put a cute little hat thingy on her and then pick her up and kiss her cheek.

"Come on baby. Lets go get some food for the house." I said, even though she can't actually reply.

I carry her to the livingroom and put her in her seat thing and then grabbed the diaper bag, my phone, keys and wallet.

"Am I forgetting anything?" I asked myself looking around.

"Yeah give me a kiss" I hear and turn around to Jack and peck his lips.

"You can come with me you know" I said 

"Do you want me to?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Alright. I'll come" He said and gets up.

He throws on a shirt and his shoes and we leave.

I drive us to walmart and Jack carries Brinley.

I go through the aisles, getting the things that we need and want and putting them into the cart.

After a while we finish grocery shopping and drop everything off at home.

"What time do we have to go to your parent's house?" I asked him as I put things away,

"In an hour" He said sitting on the floor with Brinley.

I finish putting stuff away and sit down with Jack and Brinley.

"Are you going to change her?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

"I thought you were going to" He whined.

"Nope. Its your turn" I said and he sighs and does so.

Once he was done he fixed her clothes back on and picks her up and kisses all over her face.

"I can't wait for her to be able to walk around and bring me things" I said and he chuckles.

"I can't wait for her to start talking." He said and I took her from him, sitting her in my lap 

"Babe she literally looks like you if you were a baby" He said chuckling.

"I mean.. I was a cute baby too" I replied nodding 

"Yeah but she is a beautiful baby" He said sticking his tongue out.

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