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Melody's POV

Blondey fell asleep on the couch and I got up and smell hotdogs.

Oh god no.

I started feeling nauseous.

"Fuck" I mumble going to the bathroom and throwing up.

I don't even understand why the smell of hotdogs makes me feel so sick.

I mean yeah. I'm pregnant. So what? That doesn't mean I have to get sick every time someone makes a stupid hotdog.

Jack walks in.

"You good?" He asked me as I flushed the toilet.

"Yeah. Whos making hotdogs?" I asked

"Sammy" He said.

"God that stinks so bad" I mumbled and started brushing my teeth.

"I'm sorry" He said pouting and putting his head on my shoulder.

"Jack. I'm getting so fat." I said with a mouthful of toothpaste.

"Your pregnant baby you're supposed to" He chuckles wrapping his arms around me and rubbing my stomach.

"I'm kinda excited to have her.. I mean I am scared to death. But its exciting" I said and he chuckled.

I spit and then rinsed my mouth out.

I surprisingly feel a small kick and Jack pulls his hands away with wide eyes.

"Did I do something?" He asked holding his hands up making me laugh.

"No. Jack thats the baby kicking" I said giggling.

"It has feet already?" He asked making me giggle more as I turned around.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips.

He wraps his arms around me as we kissed.

I broke it, smiling and then pecking his lips once more.

"Jack.." I trailed off.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Do your parents know?" I asked him and he removes his arms from me and looks down a little.

"Jack. They need to know." I said.

"I know.. But they only know I was seeing you.. They didn't think it was this serious.. And what if they don't approve?" He asked me pacing around.

"Jack." I said grabbing his hands and he looked at me.

"Guess what?" I asked him.

"What?" He asked back.

"You're an adult.. The deed is done. The baby is inside of me. If they don't approve they will just have to get over it because I am not about to kill my baby" I said to him, getting more serious near the end.

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