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Melody's POV
A week later.
I get myself situated on the couch, and then start the movie.
And then the doorbell rang and I groaned pausing the movie, me being the only one home.

I walk to the door annoyed and unlock it, opening it to see Jack.
"Your annoying" I said turning around and walking back to the couch.
"Me?" He asked as I got myself back comfortable on the couch.
"Yes you" I said as he shut the door.

"What did I do?" He asked
"You made me get up" I said looking up at him as he stood next to the couch.
He chuckled and laid on top of me and pecked my lips.
"Well maybe you shouldn't have locked your door" he said.
"Well.. you are the one always telling me I need to lock it" I said looking at him, him hovering over me and his face close to mine still.
"Well you don't normally listen to me" he said smiling a little.

I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him
"Well I did.. but now you're saying to leave it unlocked" I said
He stares down at my lips.

"And-"he shushes me and presses his lips back to mine

His tongue slowly slid into my mouth and I glide my tongue against his, the taste of him is addicting and I never want to stop kissing him.

The kiss heats up, our lips starting to move a little faster.

I play with his soft dark hair, feeling myself getting lured into him more.

He breaks the kiss and starts kissing my neck.

"Jack.. I wanted to watch this movieee" I whined as he sucked on the skin of my neck, right under my jaw.

"You can always watch it latterrr" He said glancing up at me.

He leaves small kisses down my neck.

"Okay" I replied.

His hands slid up my big, loose, shirt, rubbing against my hips.

His hand very warm against my skin, his touch giving me goosebumps.

I pull his shirt up and he lifts up, pulling it the rest of the way over his head.He tosses it on the ground and then pulls my shirt up over my head, it going with his.

My hands traveled down to his jeans, unbuttoning them.

He pushes them off and then he leans back down, connecting our lips once more.

His hands gripped my thighs, his lower half between them.

The only things between us being the both of our's underwear.

He rolls his hips, making his lower half rub against mine and I moan into the kiss.

He pulls away and gets up off of me and digs into his pants and gets out his wallet and a condom.

I look over and then quickly take off my underwear, not wanting anything in the way right now.

He slid his off and opened the condom package, taking it out and rolling it on.

I lean against my elbows, him climbing back on top of me.

He pushes himself into me and I just flop back to laying on the couch flat, I moan and he leans down kissing my neck as his thrust grow deeper.

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