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Melody's POV

I wake up when I hear singing.

Is that Jack?

I turn around and the singing stops.

I open my eyes and look up to see Jack looking down at me.

"Keep going" I said yawning, not quite ready to wake up yet

He nods and continues to sing.

The song is familiar but it is an older song and I haven't heard it for a while.

So I don't know exactly what it is called but I know the song.

  "Let's rearrange.I wish you were a stranger I could disengage. Just say that we agree and then never change. Soften a bit until we all just get along. But that's disregard. Find another friend and you discard. As you lose the argument in a cable car.  Hanging above as the canyon comes between" He sings.

The chorus is coming up and I know it.

 " Everyone knows I'm in.  Over my head.  Over my head.  With eight seconds left in overtime.  She's on your mind.  She's on your mind" He sang 

He gets to the part where it gets a little louder.

  "Everyone knows.  She's on your mind.  Everyone knows I'm in over my head.  I'm in over my head. I'm over my." 

"Everyone knows I'm in over my head. Over my head. with eight seconds left in over time. She on your mind shes on YOUR mind." He sings and it is just the way he sings it was so.. I don't know. He is just really good.

He finishes the song and just stays quiet and I look up at him.

"Keep singing" I said and he chuckles a little.

"What do you want me to sing?" He asked.

"Anything" I replied.

He starting singing and I immediately smile, his voice sounding so good.

 " How deep is your love? Is it like the ocean?
What devotion are you? How deep is your love?
Is it like nirvana? Hit me harder, again" He sang and I sat up and just wasn't tired anymore and started singing too.

Once we finished the song I was just smiling and I patted his stomach like drums.

"You're voice is so nice" I said 

"Thank you" He said chuckling.

"You're a pretty good singer you know" He said making me blush a little.

"Nah singing isn't really a talent of mine. Its definitely a talent of yours though." I said.

"Well I think you are really good" He said smiling.

"Well.... I am hungry" I said not wanting to talk about my singing. It is like shit compared to his.

"Well. I happen to know that Johnson ate the rest of your cereal and milk. So we could go get something if you want?" He offered.

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