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Melody's POV

I go into my room and shut my door, yawning.

Everyone is still here and I had gotten dressed earlier because we had gone to the mall and a few other places.

It is now 10ish and I just strip myself of my clothes.

I go into my bathroom and I turn on the shower.

I undress the rest of the way, making sure I had a towel, which I did, before getting into the shower.

I shave my legs first because they were getting prickly, and then anything else that needed to be shaved I shaved.

I then wash my hair and As I am conditioning it, I hear someone in my room.

They walk into the bathroom.

"Melody" Jack's voice said from the doorway.

"Yeah?" I asked him, peaking out of the shower curtain, just my eyes showing.

He looks at me and starts laughing.

He walks over and starts wiping under my eyes.

"You look like a raccoon baby" He said and I chuckled.

"Believe me, It is gonna get worse." I said and he chuckles.

He glances down and I realize I had come out from my hiding behind the shower curtain a little more and more of my body was showing.

He looks back up to me and then pulls his shirt off.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"What does it look like I am doing?" He asked me unbuttoning his pants.

"It looks like your about to get into the shower with me" I said smiling a little.

"Well then it looks pretty accurate" He said taking off his socks and then his pants and underwear.

I back up and he comes in..

I look at my skin compared to him.

"I need a tan" I said comparing my arm to his chest.

"You are right. You're pretty pale there Mel" He said placing his hands on my hips.

"Especially my legs. I have been wearing too much jeans lately." I said shaking my head.

"I agree.. You should just stay pantsless all the time" He said nodding and I rolled my eyes.

"No Jack. Not everyone wants to see me walking around naked" I said

"I do. Its a very. Pleasing sight" He said as his hands slide back to my ass.

He pulls us closer together so that my chest is pressed against him.

He looks down at me.

"You look hot when you're all wet" He said making me laugh.

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