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Melody's POV

A month later.

On that Friday, Jack and I had gotten slightly more dressed up and did in fact go out to eat.. We had a really nice time and oddly it was a lot of fun for something formal like it was.

He paid for our meals and was being so perfect.

Anyways. Today I have a doctors appointment.

Its mostly just a check up type thing that my mom wanted me to do because I had been feeling Nauseous lately but haven't thrown up.. So she talked me into coming to the doctor.

Jack and Blondey had to go somewhere and record today. and were gonna be in meetings all day.

But I don't mind. I am fine coming to the doctor alone.

I check in and wait for my name to be called which ended up being about an hour.

See this is why I hate doctors.

I follow the nurse in and she takes my temperature and my blood pressure and then my weight.

oh. gOD.. I gained like 5 pounds.

I sigh. I need to work out or eat healthier or something.

She asks me simple questions about my health.

"The doctor will be in in a few minutes" She said and I nodded.

She walked out and I get on my phone.

I get a text from Jack.

Jack: Are you still at drs?

Me: Yes its taking foreveeerrr.

Jack: Oh well I don't think I will be able to come by today. But let me know whats wrong.. I'll stop by tomorrow but I have a meeting at 4 so I can't stay too long.

Me: Its fine babe I'll let you know tho .

Jack: Alright I'll ttyl. I love you.

Me: Ok. I love you too.

I wait another twenty minutes and then the doctor finally comes in.

"So. Miss Melody. What seems to be the problem?"He asked me as he looked over the papers the nurse had been filling out.

"Well I have been feeling nauseous lately but I am not throwing up.. Like every single day I feel like I am about to but I just am not.. And I don't know what it is" I said shrugging a little.

He starts talking technical and then asking more questions.

He finally gets to one that made me stop and think about the answer.

"Do you know if you are pregnant?" He had asked me.

"Uh. What?" I asked him.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked me.

I started picking at my nails and shrugged a little.

"You tell me doc. Do I look pregnant? Do I act pregnant? What does pregnancy feel like to you. Maybe I am pregnant." I said shrugging.

He goes into a cabinet.

"How about you pee in this cup. And I will take some blood.. get back to you on that question in about two days." He said and I nodded, taking the cup.

I walk to the bathroom.

Lucky him. I had to pee anyways.

I pee in the cup and then close it, washing my hands.

I flushed the toilet with my foot and then walked out of the bathroom.

I went back to my room and he is in there, looking over my papers.

I set the cup of my piss next to him and sit on the table bed thing.

He takes it .

"A nurse will be in to take you're blood" He said and I nodded

"I will call you when we have the results.. You can leave once the nurse has taken some blood" He said and I nodded.

He walked out and a few minutes later a nurse came in and took some blood.

I left the doctors office, very on edge.

I get into the car and drive to the store, buying a pregnancy test.

I drive home and go straight to the bathroom, peeing on the stick.

I wait a couple minutes and look at the results.

Two lines. Positive.

I really hope this is a faulty test or something.

I guess I won't know the real answer for two days..

I sigh and lift up my shirt, looking in the mirror at my stomach.

I'm definitely bigger.

I just thought I was bloated because my period was coming up..

I put my hands on my stomach.

Well. Damnit.

I don't think that test is faulty.. It makes since.

I'm Gaining weight.

I am nauseous.

My period is a little late.

I can't stand the smell of hot dogs.

I'm a little more snappy than usual.

I'm bloated.

And then theres the fact that the pregnancy test says positive.

I wrap the test in toilet paper and throw it away so no one will notice.

I flush the toilet and pull my shirt down, washing my hands.

I walk out holding the box and go to the garbage thing outside of my apartment thats in the hall and throw it in there.

I go back to my apartment and sighed.

What am I going to do..

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