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Melody's POV

Jack slowly sits next to me.

"But you're still mad" He said

"Well.. What can I say.. Kinda ruined my mood" I said rolling my eyes.

He looks down at his lap, playing with his hands.

I continue eating my pineapple slowly.

He huffs.

"What can I do to make you not angry?" He asked me, putting his hand on my thigh.

"I don't know. But I promise making me feel like a whore won't make me happy" I said pushing his hand off.

He groans

"Meloddyy" He whined.

"What Jack?" I asked him.

"You are not a whore" He said

"Well.. I fucked you the first night I met you. And now.. I apparently am flirting with every guy." I said setting my pineapple down and crossing my arms.

He stands up and just picks me up. He walks to my room and sets me on my bed, my arms crossed over my chest.

He looks down at me and crosses his arms over his chest, bending down a little and pouting, mimicking me.

"Stop it" I said

He chuckles a little and I roll my eyes.

"Okay I have had enough of you rolling your eyes at me." He said

"We are not 9 Melody" He said

I raised my eyebrows and looked directly at him and rolled my eyes again.

Is it bad that I know I am testing him now and I just am waiting for him to do something.

He smirks shaking his head.

He crawls up onto the bed and crawls on top of me.

"Jack" I said and he leans down and starts to kiss my neck.

I close my eyes and tilt me head to the other side, giving him more access.

He nips at my neck a little before he started sucking on my skin.

Although I had given him more access, I did not make a sound, and I tried not show any signs of pleasure because I am still angry.

"So you're playing that game?" He asked into my ear.

I feel his warm hand on my thigh.

He slides his hand up my inner thigh.

He rubs his fingers against me and I try to keep a straight face.

He pushes my underwear to the side and Two fingers slid into me,

His thumb rubbed against my slit as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of me.

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