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Melody's POV

Jack and I exchanged numbers and then he drove me to my mom's so I can get my car.

I start to get out of his car and he puts his hand on my thigh.

"You know.. If you want then we could like... Do a fuck buddy type thing.." He said hesitantly.

I think for a minute.

"Maybe" I said with a small smile and shrugging.

"Alright well. See you later" He said and I nodded getting out.

"Drive Safe" I tell him and he nods.

"You too" He replied.

I get into my car and put on my seatbelt as I watch him drive away.

Definitely gonna take him up on that offer.

I start my car and drive home.

I park the car and go up to the apartment.

I unlock the door and walk in.

Raya looks up, her sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Where have you been all night?" She asked me

I sigh smiling and scratch the back of my head.

"So its a guy?" She asked me.

She knows me too well.

She pats the spot next to her and I walk over and sit down.

"Yes it is a guy" I said.

"A boyfriend?" She asked me.

"No. I met him yesterday."I said chuckling.

"And you spent the night?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Come on... I want the details. Leave nothing out" She said and I chuckled.

"Well.. I went to the party thing with Mom. And when I was getting me a drink he came up and touched my ass.. And I turned around and got a little too loud.. He thought I was under 21 and said "You know you have to be 21 to drink legally" And I told him I was 22.. I think we argued and then I walked away and sat on the couch. He came up again and sat next to me and we started talking and he was pretty cool but he is younger than me. He is 20. And I complained about how there is no good selection of alcohol just some crappy wine that sucked. and then he said he lived their and we went up to his room and he had some alcohol and stuff and we drank.. I met some blondey guy that was his friend.. And then we fucked" I said

"You and the blondey guy?" She asked me.

"No. Jack and Me. Well. Both of them were named Jack but I didn't fuck blondey. I fucked Jack... But I couldn't remember it this morning but let me tell you. It was obviously fucking amazing because my legs were all wobbly and it was like painful when I walked. And then I threw up on his moms favorite flowers.. And then I rinsed my mouth out and spit the mouth wash on them .. And then we fucked again.. And yes. I was right. It was fucking amazing." I tell her.

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