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Melody's POV
3 months later
"OH FUCK" I yell out in pain feeling the contractions getting worst.

"Baby maybe we should go to the hospital." He tells me.

"I don't think I am going into Labor Jack shut up. It's not like my water broke" I said
"Melody. We are going to the hospital. The baby can come at anytime now. And I do not know how to deliver a baby so come on" he said helping me up.
I waddle out, his hand on my lower back.

We get to my car and I start to get into the drivers seat but then shake my head.
"Jack you have to drive" I said, my stomach hurting too bad.
He takes the keys and he helps me into the passenger seat.
He gets into the drivers seat and starts the drive when I feel something wet coming out of me.

"FUCK. Jack. I-I think my water broke" I said
"Tolldddd youuuuuu" Jack said sticking his tongue out at me and I smack him in the back of the head.
"So does that mean the baby is coming?" He asked me excitedly.

"It's will be hours. But yes it is" I said and he perks up in his seat.

"I didn't even think I was in labor yet" I tell him and he shrugs a little.
"I did. You kept yelling and hurting. I figured that's what that meant." He said

We get to the hospital and he walks me in and are soon taken to a room.
Nurses come in and take my temperature and blood pressure and do a bunch of stuff.

They all leave besides one who starts telling us things I wasn't really paying attention to.

When she walks out I look over at Jack who looks very very excited for this.

"Stop looking so happy. I'm in pain." I said and he chuckles a little and sits down in the seat next to me, grabbing my hand.

"Jack.. I think you should like.. tell your parents." I said.
"Why?" He asked

"Jack I am laying in a hospital bed, getting ready to have your baby. You can't keep it a secret anymore" I said and he sighs and nods.

He get on his phone, calling someone.

"Mom.." he said slowly.
"So. You know that girl I told you about. Melody.." he started.

"Well. I have been keeping a secret from you.. and she has been telling me to tell y'all.. but I mean.. might as well now.. she has been pregnant." He said

"No she still is"

"Yes with my baby"
"It's a girl. And we are at the hospital now.."
"Because her water just broke."

"Mom. Mom I am sorry I didn't tell you. But I mean.. I thought you would be mad" he said.

"Oh. Well yeah she's having my baby." He said chuckling a little.
"Brinley." He said smiling.

"Well. I mean yeah I guess.. she might be a little moody because of the whole pregnancy thing.. but I don't think she will mind." He said.

"Alright. Love you too. Bye"he said hanging up.

He looks at me.

"She was really happy" he said
"Really?" I asked and he nodded.
"Yeah. Is it okay if her and my dad come?" He asked and I nodded.
"I don't care. Can you call my mom?" I asked

"Yeah. Do you want me to call Johnson and Rays too?" He asked
"Sure. I don't think they will let them all in though" I said.
"They can wait in the waiting room." He said and I nodded

He calls them all telling them the same thing.
The first person who gets here is I guess Jack's parents.

They introduce themselves to me, his mom hugging me gently considering I was just kind of laying down.
His dad shaking my hand.

"Jack I wish you would have told us. We could have thrown a baby shower and got y'all some baby clothes and all kinds of cute stuff" his mom exclaimed and I chuckled.

"Mom we had spent the last three months getting a new apartment and setting up a room for the baby and all that stuff. Believe me. It's okay" Jack said.

My mom comes in.
"Oh thank god you didn't have her yet" My mom exclaims smiling.

My mom and Jacks parents talk for a little while, knowing eachother from work. Jack sitting next to me and playing with my hand.
I get another contraction and squeezed his hand closing my eyes in pain.

"Baby you okay?" Jack asked rubbing my hand gently.

"It's fucking Hurts" I said through gritted teeth.
I feel my other hand being grabbed and I see it's my mom.

"Ms. Bryce. I really don't think your gonna want to be holding her hand whenever she's having the baby. She squeezes the feelings out of hand" Jack said chuckling a little.
"Oh believe me. I am not gonna be holding her hand then because she might just squeeze it off. But. I'm holding it til then" She said and kisses my hand.

Everyone in this room is very excited.
Like. Very.

I hear knocking on the door and look over and Blondey and Rays come walking in.

"So we can't really stay in here long apparently. But just came to check up and see how it's coming." Raya said and Johnson nodded.
"Yeah they said we are crowding you and to stay in the waiting room" he said rolling his eyes.

"And?" Jack asked chuckling.
"And so we came anyways but are gonna go back to the waiting room in a few minutes" Blondey said while Rays nods agreeing.

"Sounds good" Jack said nodding.
Rays comes up and stands next to my mom.
"How you feeling?" She asked me.

"You know that feeling, when your on your period and your back hurts and you stomach is cramping and your angry at the world" I explained to her and she nods.

"Yeah that's nothing compared to this." I said
"Well. Atleast when you have the baby it won't be that bad anymore." She said and I shrugged nodding
Jack and Rays went back into the waiting room after a few minutes and Jacks parents went out to get some food because they haven't eaten anything apparently.

"Are y'all excited?!? Your having a baby! My baby is having her baby! Oh!! I'm calling your brother!" Mom said and my eyes widened.

"No.no mom don't call him" I said quickly.
"Why not?" She asked
"Because. We are not in good terms remember" I said
"Honey your having a baby. I think he would want to atleast know." She said and walked out to call him I guess.
I sighed.

"You have a brother?" He asked me.
"Yeah. He's 24" I said
"Why aren't you two in good terms?" He asked me.

"Well. A while ago I had been going out with his friend. But I guess something happened with their friendship. And then he blamed me because they had been friends for like 12 years. Or something. And hasn't talked to me since" I said
"Was it that one guy that I fought?" He asked and I nodded.

"Well.. I mean that was a while ago. I doubt he is still mad." He said and I shrugged.
"I mean he still isn't talking to me." I said and then groan out feeling lots of pain in my stomach again.

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