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Melody's POV

My mom texts my phone repeatedly and I see she is about to leave.

I call her.

"Where are you??" She asked.

"I met a friend. I am gonna stay for a little longer" I tell her.

"Okay have fun" She said hanging up.

I click my phone off and look at the guy I have been hanging out with.

"Oh I am Melody by the way" I said and he smiles a little.

"Jack" He said and shook my hand.

He took a drink of like the third beer and I took a drink of the hennessy, But I can not drink too much henny and I know that.

Suddenly the bedroom door opened and Jack and I both quickly looked up to the door, thinking it was his mom.

but it was some blonde guy.

"You gave me a heart attack bro" Jack said and the blonde chuckles walking in, shutting the door.

"Damn G When did you start hanging out with her?" blondey asked.

"My name is Melody" I said rolling my eyes a little as I took a drink.

"Earlier at my moms party thing." Jack replies.

"Well Melody. I am Jack" Blondey said and my mind went bonkers for a second.

"You can't give me two Jacks at the same time like that" I said shaking my head.

"Well there is a few other names we go by" Blondey said.

"Okay" I said 

"For instance, our last names. or the initial of our last names, J, and G" Blondey said pointing to himself, and then Jack.

"And some people call him JJ" Jack said shrugging.

"Yeah but we normally just call eachother Jack because we know who we are talking about" Blondey said pointing between himself and Jack.

"And sometimes I even go by Daddy G" Jack said and I start laughing

"That sounds like a rapper name" I said 

"No no no. You have got it all wrong. I am the rapper. He just sings" Blondey said shaking his head,

"Sorry Daddy G. You just aren't good enough to be a rapper I guess.. But its still your rapper name" I said taking another drink.

"Nobody actually calls him that" Blondey said and I chuckled shrugging.

"Are you going to drink anything Blondey or just talk?" I asked propping my feet up on Jack again.

He doesn't seem to mind it and just rests his hands on my legs.

Blondey gets up and grabs a beer.

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