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Melody's POV

2 days later.

I haven't let Jack come over.

I don't want to see him yet.

I am currently waiting for the call, knowing its happening today.

If I am for real pregnant.

I don't know what I would do.

I get a call and see its from the doctors.

I answer it, crossing my fingers.

"Hello, Is this Melody ?" I hear 

"Yes.. this is" I said 

"Hi Melody. its Doctor Lents, I just wanted to let you know we have the results of your pregnancy test" He said

"And?" I asked nervously.

"And your  two months pregnant, it was positive" He said 

"O-Okay.. Thank you.." I said

"Would you like to make an appointment for a check up for the baby?" He asked 

"Maybe later" I said and hung up.

I put my face in my hands.

I sigh.

I call my mom, her answering quickly.

"Hey honey whats up?" She said sounding happy.

"Mom.. I have news." I said.

My heart pounding out of my chest.

"Okay. What is it? Is it good? Or bad?" She asked me.

"I. I don't know yet" I said shaking my head.

"Well what is it Melody?" She asked.

"I.. am pregnant.." I tell her slowly.

She is quiet for a second.

"Well.." She sighed.

"It happens" She said and my jaw dropped as I started laughing at how easily my mom took it. She took it better than I did. (Guys that is literally my moms response to everything. I was doing the hell challenge thing on her and when I said "Why didn't you tell me Hell was a bad word" She replied with. 'it happens' With a shrug.. When my older sister got drunk for the first time and threw up all over my moms bathroom. She just went. 'it happens' with a shrug also.)

"Mom..." I whined.

"Well. What do you want me to say?" She asked.

"I want you to tell me what to do." I said.

"Well.. Is Jack the father?" She asked me.

"For sure" I replied.

"Does he know yet?" She asked me

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