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Melody's POV

3 months later.

I have a doctors appointment today to check on the baby. and Possibly. Find out the gender.

Jack had been coming to the appointments with me but today him and Johnson are our of town.

I didn't tell him that I would possibly be finding out the gender, knowing he would get upset that he missed it.

I literally am so fat.. And slowly getting fatter.


I stay in my comfy clothes, Jacks t shirt and some sweatpants.

I slid on some slides and grab my phone.

"WAIT WAIT CAN I COME?" I hear Raya yelling as I was about to walk out.

"Sure.." I said shrugging and she put her shoes on.

We left and went down to the parking garage.

I get in the drivers seat and drive us to the doctors.

I get there and check in.

and Raya and I sit in the waiting room.

"So has the baby kicked yet? When will it kick?" She asked me.

"Well.. So far it has once or twice.. But It is just now developing and all so it will kick more later. I guess" I said shrugging, not actually knowing anything besides the once or twice part.

"When do you find out the gender?" She asked me.

"Hopefully today" I said 

"Oh.. Jacks gonna be upset about that one" She said and I nodded.

After a little while my name is called

We follow the woman inside the office and she asks me questions about myself and the baby I am carrying and all.

"Alright. The doctor will be in to get your ultrasound" She said and I nodded.

She walked out.

Raya is really excited.. 

Like.. She is dying to know the gender.

I see a text from Jack.

Jack: Hows the appt? 

Me: Ok so far.. Nothing new yet but I'll keep you updated.

Jack: Ok.

The doctor comes in and I put my phone away.

"You ready for the ultrasound?" He asked me.

I nodded and we had to go to a different room.

I lay on the bed and lifted my shirt, pulling my sweatpants down more because I know hes going to ask me to.

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