(Dazai x Reader)

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Requested by Alex-Nishinoya
You are an ability user, but ever since you were born, you didn't like the thought of having an ability. People thought you were dangerous just because you were one of them.

Ever since then you've been trying to end your life because of that but failed numerous attempts.

You joined the Armed Detective Agency. An organization who recruits ability users to use their abilities for good. You joined thinking it would make your life at least a little useful. At that time, you also met him.

Dazai Osamu.

He was the first person to welcome you. He gave you a welcome hand. He was one of the most kindest people you've ever met, but sometimes you don't get him. He's very mysterious, he almost never talks about himself.

"Dazai-san?" You mumbled, surprised to see him laying next to a grave.

Oda Sakunosuke is what was engraved on the tomb. "A friend, I assume?" You asked, a somewhat sad smile formed on his lips as he nodded.

"Are you also visiting someone special?" He asked.

"Yes, my grandmother. She died when I was young, she was very close to me."

Ever since that day, he started talking to you more frequently. Both of you have shared stories about each other and even about his past. About how he grew up in Mafia, about his best friend, about his abilities.

And before you knew it, you fell in love with him...

It was the first time you felt so infatuated with someone. For the first time, you had a reason to live. To get to see him everyday was like


You opened the door to the infirmary to see Dazai, struggling to bandage himself. He had a few scratches on his face and arms. It made you slightly worried.

You knew he had a really useful ability. He could nullify any ability just by a touch, but it didn't mean he was the strongest when it came to fighting. He would get injured often because of some opponents.

"Dazai...you're hurt again.." You say in a worried tone. He smiled and shrugged it off.

"So, who beat your butt this time?"

"It wasn't a mission. I tried another suicide attempt but failed miserably!" You sighed, of course he would.

"Let me help." You took a nearby towel from the table and applied some ointment, dabbing it on the scratches on his face.

He groaned and touched his abdomen, pain displayed on his face.

"Wait...don't tell me."

You blushed furiously.

"Err, could you take of your shirt for a minute?" You asked shyly.


"Waaah! Don't laugh!"

"Sorry, sorry. But I never knew you could ask something so bold, (F/n)-Chan."

You grew a little impatient, yet another sigh escaping your lips. Dazai reassured you he was okay but you insisted on anyway. He hesitated for a moment, before disrobing and fumbling with his shirt, gasping a what you saw.

Dazai was also hurt on his stomach.

"I didn't want you to worry."

"Idiot! Of course I'd worry. Those bastards..hurting you on places no one would see."

You bandaged him up, "You know, at these times. You have to tell me. I don't like it when you keep secrets from me."

The atmosphere grew silent for a while, neither of you not knowing what to say next. Silently cursing in your mind, did you say something wrong?


"Yes, Dazai?"

"Do you have a reason to live?"

You didn't want him to ask.

"Why all of a sudden?"

"You once told me, that you didn't like living."

You answered his question anyway.

"Well, even when there are lots of people in my life. Even with their constant support. Sometimes, I feel unwanted. When I fail, it makes me feel weaker. The fact that some people discriminated about me being an ability used doesn't help either, but after meeting this person. I started feeling excited for another day to come, knowing I get to share my stories with him. It makes me feel needed and loved."

"Who is it?" he asked,

"I don't think you should know. He probably doesn't even feel the same way."

And with that, you ended the conversation, leaving him pondering with a few questions.


"Ah, Bella Donna. You're looking beautiful as ever today!" You could feel yourself tear inside as he stroked the hand of the cafe waitress.

He really doesn't feel the same way as I do...

All your insecurities started to well up inside you again. That girl is prettier to me... she's probably achieved greater things.

"No! I shouldn't let this get through me!" Shaking the feeling off, you tried to act determined and independent.

You went up the roof, watching the beautiful scenery from up above. Everything looked like ants, the sun setting, everything was beautiful. You remembered him, the person who brought joy to your life. It just felt so upsetting, to know there would be someone better than you. To think you could feel so inferior easily. But why now?

Not knowing you were unintentionally dangerously close to the edge of the building...

When a hand grabbed you, pulling you close to his chest.

It was the one and only Dazai...

"Dazai..let go.."

"This is because of you, you know. I can't understand you. Making me jealous, breaking my heart just a moment ago..and now you're embracing me like this.."

"I'm sorry. The truth was, I love you (F/n)-chan. But I always thought you would never look my way. Well, seeing how you reacted just now, I don't need to ask your feelings."

You teared up a little, "It's true...I love you, Dazai."

"I guess this means...I love you too." He smiles gently making your heart thump loudly against your chest.

He brings his hand up to pull you for a small kiss.

"Does this mean you'll stop flirting with other girls?"

"Don't worry, you're the only one for me~"


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