Happy Birthday! Part 2 (Oda x Reader x Dazai)

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Who should I choose..?

You sighed deeply and sat down on a chair, feeling frustration seep into you. Chuuya seems to notice this and frown.

"Why are you sighing?" Chuuya asked, taking a sip of his wine. "Nothing really, just a problem with Odasaku and Dazai."

"The low rank mafioso and the bandage-wasting device? Now that's a weird combo. Tell me if they're making you uncomfortable and I may teach them a lesson or two."

You giggles at his response, liking how overprotective he is. You didn't know if he was either your prince in shining armor or the big brother type. But either way, he certainly was a caring friend.

"By the way I'm surprised you're not drunk yet, Mr.fancy hat~"

"just shut up.."


(if you choose Dazai.)

You chose to wait for Dazai.

Feeling a hand on your shoulder, you quickly jerk away.

"Hey, it's just me." he chuckled. Taking your hand, he led you to a bridge. In the sky, was the stars shining brightly and the reflection of the moonlight bouncing against the water.

"Time to give you your second gift~" inching his face closer to yours, he placed a soft kiss on your lips.


Dazai pulled away and hugged you." Happy birthday,(F/n)-chan."

(If you choose Oda)

You chose to wait for Oda.

You felt big hands cover your eyes. "W-Who..?"

"Shh, it's just me. Odasaku." The man mumbled and led you carefully to what seemed to be a stone path. You wondered curiously at what he was going to show you.

You both arrived at the place. Oda removed his hands from your eyes. The first thing you see is a garden, filled with your favorite flowers and fireflies giving a little glow. The place was gorgeous, beautiful.

Oda hugged you from behind and said, "My wish is that you will always be happy, (F/n). I love you." you blushed at his simple yet warm words that touched your heart.

You tilt your head a little, to see Oda with a smile on his face. You leaned and kissed his cheek and now it was his turn to blush. "I love you to, Odasaku." You said.

(If you choose Chuuya)

"Just shut up..." Chuuya asked for another glass of wine.

"Chuuya, what should I do?"You asked. Chuuya stopped what he was doing and looked at you.

"What do you mean?"

"Well...both Dazai and Odasaku told me to go with them somewhere, but I don't know who I should go with..." You said, suddenly Chuuya put his glass down and held your chin.

"How bout you have fun with me instead~" Chuuya said with a smirk."

"Ch-Chuuya..? Are you okay? Don't tell me your drunk already.." you placed a hand on his forehead to make sure he wasn't sick either.

"Of course I am. don't go to them just stay with me." you pondered before hesitantly nodding.

"Good girl." Chuuya kisses you lip, going down to kiss your neck.

Bungou Stray Dogs (Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now