"Don't Forget Me" (Dazai x Reader)

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This is another high school AU and I was inspired by the beautiful song above, 👆👆

The song is called 'Spring day' by BTS, it's quite sad...
Also please take note that I wont be writing down all the lyrics, I'll just be putting half of it.


Miss you, saying this makes me miss you even more
Miss you even though I'm looking at your photo

It made you feel somewhat sad, knowing that it was going to be the last day being in high school, but leaving to go to another country made it even more harder for you. You haven't told Dazai about it. You knew you had to bring it up sooner or later.

Time's so cruel, I hate us seeing each other for once is now so hard between us

You sat beside (Best Friend's Name), listening to the other students and teachers giving their speeches, receiving your diploma after numerous activities.

It's all winter here even in August

He spotted you, waving happily with a big smile. You waved back, smiling a little.

My heart is running on the time, alone on the snow piercer

After the moving up ceremony, there was an after party and of course you were going to stay for that.

Wanna get to the other side of the earth holding your hand
Wanna put an end to this winter

The fresh smell of food hit your nostrils. The other students laughed and socialized with each other. A smile on their faces.

You felt someone tap your shoulder, "Yo!"

"Dazai, you're here."

You chatted with him for a while, remembering what you had to tell him. Looking at him just made it even harder for you, oh, how you tried not to break in front of him, how you tried not to cry.

"Hey, Dazai...I-I need to tell you something..."

"What is it?"

How much longing should we see snowing down to have the days of spring,

"After this, I'll be going to (Country's Name) to study (Major Name). I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

Like the tiny dust floating in the air
Will I get to you a little faster if I was the snow in the air


Snowflakes fall down and get away little by little

You dragged your heavy luggage, dropping it onto the trunk of the car. Looking at Dazai with a sad expression, tears welling up in the corner of your eyes.

I miss you, I miss you

"Did you bring everything?"


Dazai didn't want this to happen. After you made the sudden confession, he begged you to stay but if this is what you wanted, he respected it. He respected you.

How long do I have to wait?

You told him that you would come back someday, but in pure honesty. You didn't know when you will come back or you didn't even know if you will comeback.

And how many sleepless nights do I have to spend to see you,
To meet you

After a while, you arrived at the airport. Taking out your bags and luggages, you checked your watch to see the time.

Passing the edge of the cold winter
Until, the days of the flower blossoms

You were dragging your bags across the airport, with Dazai by your side as he helped you carry the heavy luggages. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes, turning to look at Dazai for a second.

He hugged you tightly, whispering in your ear, "Don't go...please stay.."

Please stay, please stay there a little longer
Is it you who changed or is it just me
By we are changed, you know, just like everyone you know

"I can't, Dazai.."

Yes, I hate you
You left me, but I never stopped thinking about you, not even a day

"Flight (Number) will be departing soon."

You let go of Dazai, giving him a frown, "I have to go now, keep in touch, okay?"

"Of course."

Honestly I miss you but I'll erase you
Because it hurts less than to blame you

"Hey, Dazai, don't forget me..okay?"

"Like I'd ever.."

I try to exhale you like white smoke
I say I'll erase you but I can't really let go of you

"Thank you, Dazai." You kissed him on the cheek, he turned bright red because of this.

You know it all, You're my best friend
The morning will come
No darkness, no season can't last forever

Suddenly, Dazai thought of something. Questions started to run through his mind endlessly, he kept asking himself questions like, 'will I be able to see her again?'

"Wait, (F/n)!"

Maybe it's cherry blossoms and this winter will be over
I miss you, I miss you
Wait a little bit just a few more nights

He thought that before you leave, he had to tell you how he feels. At least, he wanted to let you know.

You spun around to look at Dazai.

"I-I love..you, (F/n).."

I'll be there to see you, I'll come fore you

Your eyes widened as you heard him say the three words, you on the other hand. You gave him a small smile, replying with: "I love you too."

He hugged you one last time before saying his final goodbye.

Passing the edge of the cold winter
Until the days of spring
Until the day of the flower blossom
Please stay, please stay there a little longer...


Anyone else an army or a BTS fan? 😊

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