Dance (Edgar x Shy!Reader)

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Requested by @Ultrajess

Sitting on a chair alone.While the others party to their hearts content. It was pretty loud, it was a party after all.

You didn't like parties. You were shy and had zero social skills. But Louisa insisted that you at least ate some food, it's free and there's no harm done.

Your eyes darted across the room, looking for a familiar boy that is suppose to be here as well. It was hard to find due to the sea of people inside the room, almost not recognizing any of them. They were probably friends of Fitzgerald, considering the look very high class, nothing to be surprised from a rich organization leader.

At last, you finally found him. Edgar. He was siting alone, fidgeting nervously. It's as if he didn't know what to do, he was a shy boy. That's what you liked about him, you could relate to him a lot. Both of you are both examples of hermits.

You stood up from your chair, wanting to approach the lonely boy. A bit hesitant at first but finally greeted him with a simple "hi". He

"Hi, (L/n)-san." He greets politely, you take a seat beside him and smile. You couldn't lie, but you had a small crush on him.

The music starts to change, going more slower. Mark Twain picks the microphone up and tells everyone to pair up and dance. Which made it awkward for you since you and Edgar were the only people without partners.

"W-Would you l-like to dance?" You stuttered in a shy and soft spoken tone, but audible that he can still hear it. He nods and takes you by the arm, slowly leading you to the dance floor. He acted tough but his heart was going doki doki in the inside!

What the heck Poe! You're acting like a teenage girl in love!

That's because he is in love.

You shyly put an arm on his shoulder, the other on his waist. Since you were inexperienced in dancing, you paced slowly. You didn't care if neither of you were a good dancer, it was surely a time to remember.

The other guild members stared at you and Edgar, making you hide against his chest.

"Th-They a-re looking at u-us." You mumbled.

"I-I know..!"

After a while they stopped staring making you sushi in relief.

"Thanks for dancing with me tonight.."

"N-no problem..The truth is, I really like you, (L/n)-san." You blushed.

Edgar realizes what he says "I- I didn't mean! U-um.."

"Don't worry, I like you too, Edgar." The night ends with you mustering up all your courage to give him a kiss on the cheek. With everyone cheering in the background.


I hope you like it!

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