Happy Birthday! (Oda x Reader x Dazai)

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Dedicated to my dear friend



A very special day was approaching. Yes, your birthday!

Dazai wanted to give you the best gift ever. He already thought of one but he knew that if he wanted to get it he has to ask a friend for some help.


"Odasaku, please find me a dog!" Dazai pleaded and looked at his friend, who was eating his favorite curry.

"I thought you hated dogs?"

"Just do it please!" clapping his arms together, Dazai begged.

"Fine..."Oda sighed and stood up from his seat. Thanking the manager, he dropped the currency on the table.

"Thank you! Odasaku!" Dazai raised a hand in the air and hugged Oda.

Oda walked around the street, in hope to find a pet shop. He spotted one, which had all sorts of pets inside.

'I could go here..' Oda said to himself,He walked to the entrance.

He came inside and saw a cute dog,a chestnut colored puppy with fluffy ears, wagging its tail as if it was happy to see its owner.

'Why does this dog already remind me of him..?'

With the money Dazai gave him, he bought the dog.

"Here." He handed out an opened box, with the dog inside.

"Good! Take care of it until this day." Dazai pointed on a specific date in a nearby calendar, day before the other day which had the words 'birthday' written.

'Wait...isn't that (L/n)'s birthday?' He thought to himself. Oda sighs once again, even though Dazai can be a pain in the ass sometimes but he couldn't just say no. He knew that if he wouldn't take care of the dog, Dazai wouldn't do it either.

"If you really want it then I'll do it."

~Your Birthday~

The port Mafia didn't usually celebrate parties or holidays, but you were an exception.

Oda sees Dazai holding the dog. Realizing that it was for you.

Dazai hands you his gift.

"This is for you (F/n)-chan and happy birthday!" You take the box, he was holding.

It was shaking?

You cautiously open it to reveal a cute chestnut dog, which reminded you a lot like Dazai.

"Dazai! Thank you so much!" You hugged him, bursting with joy. He smiles and gives you a rose, making you blush a little.

Oda was thinking of telling you that he took care of the dog but decided not to. He knew Dazai likes you and respected that but he could not deny, that he was a little jealous.

(Time skip)

You were sitting alone,since everyone was just enjoying theme selves,partying, playing and eating. You had already blown your candles and ate some cake. Oda took it as a good opportunity to give you his present.

"Happy birthday, (L/n). This is for you."He gave a small box,opening it to reveal a beautiful necklace.with a turquoise pendant.


"Ango, look at this beautiful necklace!"

"Yes and what about it?

"It's just really pretty!" Oda seemed to notice this. He watched as you turned gloomy upon seeing the price.

'I should save my money...'

~end of flash Back~

"This is..."

"Yeah, the necklace you always wanted."

"B-but this cost a lot! You didn't have to...!"

He shook his head.

"I don't mind, it's for you." He said. Smiling, you thanked him again.

"Um, if you have time then after the party. Could you meet me outside, there's something I have to tell you."

"You know, you could tell me here." Oda looked around the room, spotting Dazai and quickly looked back at you.

"No, not here."

"I see, then I will think about it." You felt someone tap your shoulder from behind and saw Dazai.

"(F/n)-Chan~!"A playful voice called. "D-Dazai?! When did you get here?!"

"I'll leave you to alone." Oda leaves.

"What are you doing, Dazai?" You asked, a little annoyed.

"Sorry, (F/n). But I needed to tell you something. So could you meet me after the party?"

"Er..I'll think about it.." you mumbled.

"It's because Odasaku asked the same thing, right?"

H-how did he know?!

"But I still hope you choose me."


Bungou Stray Dogs (Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now