You're You (Dazai x Reader)

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In this story, your ability is similar to Kyusaku Yumeno's ability.Because I'm not creative and I have no originality at all 😂😂 I'm so sorry!

Thank you for 5k reads, everyone, it really means a lot!❤️
And thank you to my friend, for helping me with the plot.💞


Your ability is a mind control curse, the curse activates when you get mad, or even hurt. When the curse activates, people start attacking each other, they start hurting themselves as well.

You can't control it.

People considered you too dangerous. It was a very dangerous ability after all.

Only someone with a nullifying ability could stop you, that's why Dazai Osamu, is always by your side. He was also your childhood friends, who's been with you for so many years.

You never asked for an ability. You never wanted to become an ability user. You never wanted to harm others, but misfortune had to brought upon your side. All you wanted was to live a normal life, to be a normal person. To find happiness.

How could you find happiness? There was only bloodshed everywhere, blood lust in their eyes as they attacked each other without any care of who they are. Even if that person was their friend or enemy. They didn't care, they didn't know that their minds were being ravaged with hallucinations.

Curse targets by ravaging their consciousness with hallucinations, causing them to attack everyone in sight.

You had always hated the stares others gave you, the words they murmured about you. The gossips that made them judge you.

Even though you were born with this, you are a gentle soul.

You tried so hard not to cry, not to get depressed. But you felt tired of it. Tired of seeing the violence that was caused by your ability.You fell on your knees, covering your face with your hands. That's was when you let out the sadness and anger that filled inside of you. You were angry at yourself. Then your ability activated...


"Ugh..."You groaned. Slowly, opening your eyes. Your vision becoming blurry for a second. Your throat hurt because of crying and screaming. Groans escaped your lips. You sat up and saw Dazai next to you, his hand held yours.

"Thank goodness your awake."Dazai sighed in relief.

"Dazai, what happened...?"You asked, scared. You didn't want to hear it, but in the same time you needed to know what happened.

"Your ability activated..."He said.

"Don't worry, I was able to stop the curse before people could start attacking each other."

You could feel yourself tense up, cursing yourself once again. "So why were you mad?"Dazai asked.

"I-I'm mad at myself...for being like this..I hate myself. I never asked for this ability.."Your voice became shaky.

"I'm sorry...I never wanted to hurt people, but the world rejects me.."The tears that threatened to fall escaped, hot tears streamed down your red cheeks. (Reader-chan is starting to act like zeref //)

Dazai could feel his heart drop, even if you were the one crying. He frowned. He felt pained to see you in such state. He didn't want you to experience sorrow, He wanted to do something about it, but what could he say? What could he possibly say to comfort you?

"What am I Dazai? What am I to others? What am I to you?" Dazai stayed silent for a while, trying to find the right word to say.

"Hey, don't cry.."He put a hand under your chin, gently lifting your head up until you were facing him. His thumb wiped your wet tears as you continued to sob quietly. He brushed your hair, gently stroking your back. Hoping that you would clam down.

"You're not dangerous. You're the kind, gentle, beautiful, (F/n) I know. People judge you, but it's because they don't know who you really are. You're more than you think you are."

You've been wanting to hear those words for so long. It made you feel loved and somewhat relieved. It wasn't something that you were used to hearing, so hearing it from him, made you genuinely happy.

"Remember, (F/n)..."He paused, leaving a kiss on your forehead.

"You're you."


I'm sorry if this was confusing, I didn't know what to write so I asked my friend for help. I'm in need for ideas or if you guys could help me, I'd appreciate it! ^^

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