Don't Be Shy (Edgar x Reader)

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This is for my good friend Lemonnaise !

I know you're going through a lot so I'm always here if you need someone to talk to <3


It was a quite evening for the guild. Especially inside the room of Edgar, he was busy writing a few ideas for the next chapters of his story, every draft that didn't please him would be thrown.

What he thought felt more frustrating is the awkward atmosphere inside the room. You were there as well, drawing meaningless doodles to kill time and boredom. You had no specific reason for being there, simply you wanted to keep him company and help with whatever he needed.

It's not that he didn't like you being there, he actually liked you. To him, you were like his partner, since you were the artist drawing the beautiful illustrations for his book. It all started months ago when you appeared on his door step, asking him if you could be the one drawing for his work. He denied the offer at first, because he didn't want to bother you. But eventually gave in and that's how you started working with him.

"I'm a big fan of your work!" That was one of the very first things you've told him, it made his heart throb. He was obviously very flattered.

Edgar never saw himself as a role model or a talented author. He was simply just an introvert, with the talent to write stories. In you're eyes, you thought he was amazing. You were a big fan Maybe, it was just his shy personality that made others wonder if he was any good or not.

A slightly heavy weight was felt on your lap, realizing it was Karl. He stretched and yawned before comfortably lying down on its stomach. "Hehe, how cute.." You giggled and caressed his soft fur.

Edgar found himself staring at you, a tint of blushing appeared on his face as he looked away. He started writing without thinking, and hadn't realize he was writing stuff about you. "What you got there, Poe?"

"(Y/n)! U-um, it's n-nothing!" He tried covering the nonsense he wrote. "Pl-please don't look at it!"

"Hmm..fine." You said. "Poe, why are you so shy?"

"Eh?" He was a little taken back with that question. "Ugh..I-I don't know really... I'm just not u-used to it. All I in life need in life is Karl and yo..-"

"And?" You looked at him confused. "A-ah, no nothing.."

You bent a little closer to him, "Wh-what?" You put both hands on his cheek, "Hold still for me.."

"What are you doing?!" He struggled as you continued to look at him, as if you were examining his facial features. The longer you did the more flushed and the more he struggled for you to let go, "Can't you move your bangs, I want to see your eyes."

"I-I'm sorry but no...I'm shy.." He whimpered, "pl-please stop, (Y/n).."

" leave me no choice." You pulled out a pair of scissors, that weren't that sharp. (Don't think this is murder or I'll have to bring Akashi here >.< jk)

Edgar shut his eyes closed, scared for what was going to happen next. To his surprise, he heard snipping sounds, slowly opening his eyes, his sight became brighter and clearer. The hair that once hid his face was long gone since you had snipped his bangs. You were astonished on how handsome he looks, it was like a whole new him.

"As I thought! You look much better like this!"

"No I don't.. Why..did you even do that.?"

"Because...I want you to gain more confidence. So from now on, don't be shy, okay?" You gave words of encouragement. It made him blush a deeper shade of red. Without thinking again, he gave you a small peck on the lips. He never knew his instincts could get to him.

"Poe..?" You blushed. "I-I'm sorry! I-I'm going to take a shower!" He rushed out of the room.

"What was that all about? Oh, well.." You walked towards his desk and flipped the pages of his notebook. Stopping at the page you wanted to check earlier, your eyes softened as you read the thoughtful words. The last sentence made you smile from ear to ear.

It said:

'I'm glad to have met (Y/n) in my life'

Bungou Stray Dogs (Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now