Thunder (Oda x Reader)

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Dedicated to my close friend ANIMESAMURAI I love you a lot!



Another yelp escaped your lips as another round of lighting struck. From the small crease in the closet, you could see the flash from out the window looking dangerously close. Making you even more terrified.

It wasn't like this. It was quiet just a few minutes ago, what seemed like a normal and quiet rainy night turned into a thunderstorm. You hated it when the lighting would flash and roar against you ears everyone and then. You felt so vulnerable, considering no one was there to comfort you.

"I hate this..."

That's what you thought at least.

"(F/n), where are you?" Even with the rain, you could faintly hear Oda Sakunosuke outside of your room. He didn't look like it, but he was worried sick about you. He knew about your fear of thunder.

A firm knock was heard outside of your room, knowing it was him. You decided to stay inside the closet, not wanting him to see you in such a weak state. Even if you were in desperate need of comfort, you were too embarrassed.

Odasaku sighed and let himself inside.


He heard another yelp.

"Open up, (F/n)."


"(F/n), I know your in there." He says softly but enough for you to hear.

Without another word, he retracted the closet door open with enough force. His gaze landed at your trembling figure, you were crouched and covering your ears.

"I know...You're probably thinking, how me, a mafia executive could be scared with something like this.."

"You're not pathetic. Just because you act strong doesn't change the fact that you have fears like everyone else."

Odasaku wrapped his arms around you to give you a hug, bringing his hands to wipe the tears the welled up in the corner of your eyes. For a moment, you could forget what was happening.

He's warm.. You thought, feeling safe as he cradled you in his arms. Like a mother and her child.

Thinking about it made you fell in love with him all over again.

"Do you feel better?" You nodded in response.

"You really are like a mother, Odasaku.." you chuckled.

"I guess you could say that."


Bungou Stray Dogs (Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now