Glasses (Kunikida x Reader)

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The crack that you heard from below your feet was a sign; you broke your glasses. Now you were holding onto a chair, being guided by the objects nearby.

Your eyesight started growing very bad recently, as a result you needed to wear glasses. But almost no one knows because you don't wear them when you were around your friends, fearing they may laugh at you.

You yelped lightly as you collided with a man, the faint figure of a man. It was hard to tell who it was, but by the yellow hair. It had to be Kunikida.

"Are you okay?" You couldn't see his face, but by the tone of his voice you knew he was worried. Even Kunikida didn't know what was wrong.

"Do you have a fever?"

"I'm fine! Can you just- move out of the way?" You tried to make a run for it but slipped, forgetting that Ranpo spilled his soda a while ago. Unable to see it due to your bad eyesight.

Your worried senpai quickly ran to aid you, "Are you really okay?!"

"I'm fine."

Kunikida places a hand on your forehead,

"Do you feel sick?"

You didn't want to hide it anymore, especially because this is Kunikida you're talking about.

"I broke my glasses..and now, I can't see very well.."

He was confused for a moment, "You wear glasses?"

"Sorry I didn't tell you. Lately, my eyesight has been really bad. So I needed glasses, but I was really scared they would make fun of me. Since I work in a private office, no one sees me often. I only remove my glasses when I hear someone is around."

"I was scared you'd think I look ridiculous.."

"So you're saying people who wear glasses look like freaks?"

"No-! Umm, I didn't mean that..But I think you're very good-looking, Kunikida-san.."

Kunikida sighed deeply, removing his own spectacles. He pulled a stream of your hair behind you ear, fixing his glasses on your face. Everything else looked

"Wear that."

"But this is yours!"

"It's alright. I can see a bit we'll even without them and,"

He continued, "Don't be embarrassed with such a little thing. Besides you look more b-beautiful with glasses.." he stuttered the last part, which made you smile. He usually doesn't compliment anyone.

"Thanks, Kunikida-san. We should go to the store and by a new pair."


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