Snacks (Ranpo x Reader)

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Special thanks to Ultrajess for the plot.




"Why did I leave my wallet at home..?!" You groaned and clutched your stoamch in anguish.

Ranpo merely laughed at your poor state. Placing a lollipop on the table, he smiled and pushed it toward you.

"This won't let the hunger go away.."

"Welp, It's better than nothing!"

You then heard a voice calling for Ranpo. Saying he needed to go down the streets and solve another mystery, who knows what.

Sighing, the detective placed his hat on and headed out.

As much as he didn't want to do it, the job has to get done.

You sometimes wondered why he bothered working if he's so lazy. But nonetheless, he's an outstanding person with great talent. You admired him for that.

"We'll be going." Draping his coat around his shoulders, he gave you a final wave. You waved back, feeling lonely when his presence left your side.


"K-Kunikida! I'm gonna die of starvation here!" you cried out.

"And who's fault is that?" Kunikida glared.

"Yours if you don't do something and quick!"

Kunikida looked around the room suspiciously. After knowing the two of you are the only one present, he took out keys from his pocket.

"Er..what's this?"

"Keys. The ones for Ranpo-san's locker."

Still confused, you asked, "but why?"

"I suppose he won't mind if you take a few snacks. He has tons after all."

You grinned and did a thumbs up, "Thanks, Kunikida-san!"

"Just don't take too much okay?"

"Oh don't worry, I won't.."

Opening Ranpo's locker, you were met with food and papers falling on top of your face.

You smiled at the sight of all the food and started eating. Not knowing of the consequences you will be met by doing this.

But eh? Just blame it on Kunkida, no big deal.


"Now what's this, (F/n)?~"

A familiar voice chimed, sounding awfully irritated and stressed.

"Catch me if you can, Ranpo!" you yelled and ran down the hallway, with him railing behind your back.

The day continued with you running away from the detective. Left and right, twist and turns, getting chased around made you dizzy. But your goal was to run away from him.

You stopped for a moment, panting. Big mistake for Ranpo tackled you .

"R-Ranpo?!" You shrieked.

"Hehe, caught you..~"

"Wh-What are you gonna do to me...?" You asked, feeling nervous.

"Obviously I'm going to punish you~"


He laughed at your helpless state, "Relax, I won't do anything. I'm not that cruel."

"Just don't to it again, okay?" He pouted in a way that you found it cute. You giggle and pinched his cheeks. "fine, I promise. You dork."

He ruffled your hair and placed his hat on your head. "Maybe you should of just ate me instead."

What the f-

Your face instantly turned bright red.

It only turned worst when you saw him grin, he then carried your bridal style making you shriek at the sudden action.

"I thought you weren't gonna do anything?!"

Another laugh escaped his lips, smirk growing wider. "You're just too cute, (F/n)-chan and I think it would be better."

Let's just say, the detective punished you afterwards.

Lesson learned, don't eat his snacks.


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