Flower Viewing (Chuuya x Reader)

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I made wrote this based on Bungou stray dogs Wan! I recommend you read and this contains some SPOILER from the manga. So don't read if you don't want to get spoiled.



"Gah! Why is our flower viewing spot next to these guys?!"

Chuuya irritatedly asked and pointed at the armed detective agency, who coincidentally also had their day off and decided to go flower viewing. Having no idea that Tachihara picked the exact same spot the enemy was.

"Certainly, This is not a grave problem is it?" Kōyo's eyes softened at the sight of Kyouka. Not hearing any of Chuuya's complaints.

"I can see Kyouka having fun once more...mah.. Kyouka's getting the fun once mor.." Kōyo mumbled, face already flushed red after getting only 2 drinks.

"Oi! Older sister! You've drunk too much and you! Why did you pick this place, you asshole?!"

"S-sorry! It's just that you kept saying and talking about "Dazai-san', 'Dazai-san. So I thought you'd be interested in being near them. Because of that the choice was rather obvious!"

Poor Tachihara couldn't speak properly because he was currently being strangled by Chuuya.

"That, wicked sly man is making my alcohol taste bad!" Chuuya groaned out once again. Dazai's very existence making it annoying for him already.

"I can hear everything your saying, okay? Besides, you can't even hold your alcohol well. I bet you'll get drunk after getting one shot."

"Why are you even here anyway?!"

"Where I go is my concern, okay?"

"I'll definitely kill you someday!"

"Oh will you shut up already?!" you snapped at Chuuya making him flinch at the sudden raise of voice.

"Oh (F/n)-chan~ Pleasure meeting you here!" Dazai waved hello and you did the same.

"Come on," Chuuya grunted and took your hand, leading you away from the others. He settled on a specific spot, where you could watch the cherry blossoms in full bloom, dancing along with the wind.

You both lied on the grass which felt a little moist on the skin. Breaking the silence, you intertwined your fingers with his.

"Don't be so grumpy, fancy hat. Try to relax more."

A light pink dusted his cheeks, "Sorry it's just. I don't like him. That idiot played with me like a doll in the past and I hated it. Just looking at him now makes me furious."

"So you notice him and not me. I'm hurt." you said sarcastically, but with a little emotion as if to let him think he hurt you.

"I-I didn't know you felt that way! I'm sorry-"

"I'm kidding, but seriously. Enjoy yourself a little more." You said and gave him a small pecks on the cheek.

He sighed heavily and looked up at the big blue sky. Closing his eyes, he felt himself relax under your touch. You placed a kiss on his lips in which he returned, tenderly wrapping his arms around you.

"You relaxed yet?~"

He rolled his eyes but smiled, "Yes."

Bungou Stray Dogs (Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now