Opposites Attract (Akutagawa x Reader)

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bother to read this crappy book xD



"Ryunosuke~!" Akutagawa flinched as he heard the sweet voice echo throughout the hallway. He knew exactly who it was but he just tried to ignore it.

You pouted, still trying to gain the attention of your friend. Though, you weren't exactly sure if he would use the term "friend", but not that it mattered much.

"Hey, Don't be like that!" You tackled the black haired male,

"Leave me alone." He spatted, coldly.

Others couldn't understand the relationship you and Akutagawa have. The two of you were very different from each other. You were cheerful and kind, while he was cold and dangerous.

You had a lot of friends but you enjoyed spending time with Akutagawa, even if he rejects you all the time. You knew that there was still good in him, that one day you would see him show a soft side.

Of course Akutagawa tells you to leave him alone most of the time, but you don't hate him, no matter how cruel he is.


You stared at the ticking clock for no apparent reason. Just checking to see how much time has passed. You let out a heavy sigh, hopping onto the couch, you turned on the tv. Hoping to find anything you were interested in.

You felt bored without someone to talk to, no one was online and Akutagawa was out doing a job.

"I hope Ryunosuke will come back soon..." You mumbled, staring blankly at the tv screen, still changing the channels every minute. Until, you came across a baking channel.

Suddenly, an idea popped inside your mind. You've noticed Akutagawa stressed and tired lately, so you thought that you could make him some cookies. You felt like you wanted to do it for someone you cared about. Besides, sweets are good when your tired.

"It's finished!" You cheered. A big smile on your face as you held the plastic bag, that had cookies inside for someone special, Akutagawa Ryunosuke. It wasn't any special day or anything, you just felt like you wanted to do something for Akutagawa. Just as said earlier.

You weren't the best baker. You weren't good at baking but you did your best to do it and you thought that it turned out ok.

(Time Skip)
You skipped down the hallway, trying to find your black haired friend. After a short while, you finally spotted him reading his book.

"Hey~!" You called out, "What do you want?" He asked, irritated.

You put a hand on your hip and pouted cutely, "Geez, all I want is to talk to you, that's all."

"Not right now."

"Eh, but we don't get to talk anymore because your always busy~" You whined, slinging an arm around his shoulder. You could hear him sigh, as he closed his book and looked at you.

"What do you want to talk about?"

You put a hand under your chin, "Hmm...Why don't you tell me about your past or childhood? I want to hear your story!" You beamed. Your sentence coming out unusual and sudden. But it was something that you wanted to know for a while.

"I had a rough childhood, I never met my parents and I had to live at an orphanage with Gin. I didn't really have any friends back then.." He said.

You felt quite surprised after hearing his story. You knew he was lonely, but you didn't know that he had to go through tough times as well. Like, not having any parents to take care of him. Having to be raised to kill people, he didn't deserve it. You wished that he could just live normally without having to work with the Port Mafia.

"Forget what I said. You wouldn't underst-"

"No, I understand you. There are times when I feel unimportant and lonely as well...but.." You paused. "But?"

"But I'm looking at the bright side for now!" You said and smiled. A very beautiful smile, one that showed strength even when times are hard.

"Idiot..." He mumbled under his breath.


"You really are an idiot.." He pinched your nose lightly, "You're important, okay? Even if your annoying most of the time. I think so."

This wasn't the usual Akutagawa, he wasn't the type to say these things. His words came out more gentle, not harsh and cold like they always were.

"Thanks, Ryunosuke. And please remember, that I'm your friend and I will never abandon you! I'll stay with you forverer!" You said.

You felt a hand gently ruffle your hair, realizing it was Akutagawa. After you said the word "friend" he realized how important you were to him. He couldn't imagine being friends with someone as optimistic as you. He couldn't imagine being friends with someone who was so different.

You had completely forgot about the thing you were going to give him.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" You took out the cookies from your bag, "Surprise!"


"I made it for you, because you seemed so stressed and tired lately, I figured you needed some sweets."

He opened the bag, taking out one of the small sized cookies before taking a bite.

"So, how are they?" You asked.

"It's too sweet..."

"E-eh?! I thought I did a great job. You don't have to eat it if you don't want to, Ryunosuke.."

"I didn't say they were bad." He said, eating the cookies you gave him. "Really? Then that's good." You grinned.

Akutagawa turned his head to the side and smiled a little. Something that he rarely did.

thank you for reading

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