Beach (Chuuya x Reader x Dazai)

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I love Chuuya and Dazai but if I had to pick I'd pick Dazai! Who would you pick?



Requested by Jessica_59

Because everyone has been working hard lately, doing their best to bring peace to Yokohama. One on the clients that worked with the agency invited them to go the beach, and of course this made them excited. But little did they know, the port mafia had the same idea.

~At the beach~

You got out of the van that the agency owned, hopping out and excitingly to feel the fresh air. After being confined for hours inside a van, it felt very relaxing.

"You look chipper, (L/n)-san." Tanizaki chuckled, you resembling Naomi in a way when they went to the beach for the first time.

"Do I? It has been so long since I've went here." 

The sun was high up in the sky, the light that illuminated made the sea shine and the sand look like crystals. The breeze and everything made it very relaxing.

"There are a lot of people I must say." Said Atsushi, pointing at the familiar group or people from far away.

'Is that who I think it is..? No, it can't be them."

"Rintarou~! I want to swim." The voice of a young girl caught your attention, followed by the voice of a man telling her not to stray to far.

"Huh? (L/n)-San?!"


"I missed you! What are you doing here?!" The girl hugged you, which happens to be Elise. She was quickly taken from your grasp as the man, Moro Ougai, took her by the hand. That's when it hit you, the whole Port Mafia was here too.

The brunette spotted a ginger hearted boy.

"YOU!" They both yell in unison, surprised like the other. You were shocked too, seeing your former organization after so long. Yes, you were one of them. That was until you left, just a few years after Dazai disappeared.

"Chuuya!" It was wrong of you to do it, to hug an enemy. But you missed him, Chuuya blushed, taken aback at what you were doing right now. Nonetheless, he hugged you back, feeling just how much you missed him.

"That's enough," The hug doesn't even last that long as Dazai pulled you away from him. Chuuya growled and clenched his fist in jealously.

"What the heck was that for?!"

He didn't answer, instead giving you a bag with a pair of swimming shorts and a tank top.



Everyone was doing their own thing by now. It was a good chance to swim, taking the opportunity, you dived into the water. Feeling your whole body ease in leisure. It felt great.

Chuuya couldn't help but stare at your figure, it was the first time he saw you show so much skin. Red liquid trickled down his nose a little, he quickly wipes it before anyone could see how shameless he was acting.

"Oh, Chuuya. Who are you staring at?" Dazai whispers in his ear, Chuuya nearly kick his face but he dodges it easily.

"I want to erase that idiotic smile in your face." He clenched his fist in anger.

"I see. You were looking at (F/n)-san. Too bad, she wouldn't date a midget like you~"

"You think you have the advantage?!"

Dazai grinned, "Let's see about that."

Strong arms snakes behind your back, pulling you closer to his bare chest.

"D-Dazai?!"You yelped, this made Chuuya extremely jealous. You were extremely oblivious to the fact that 2 men were fighting for you.

"I didn't get to tell you, (F/n). You look beautiful today, especially in that cute swimsuit."

"Dazai.." You blushed, not used to his compliments. It was hard to tell if he was joking and teasing or if he actually meant it. He always sounds so sincere when it came to women.

"It's true~" He took your hand and brought it close to his lips to give it a kiss, your breath started to quicken as he started kissing your shoulder, his face getting dangerously close to your face. He was going to far!


"Will you stop flirting with her in public, it's honestly disgusting. Can't you see she's getting uncomfortable?" Just before he could do anything else, Chuuya pulled you away from Dazai's grasp.

"I will kill that bastard for touching you so casually. That moron is really inconsiderate when it comes to your feelings." There he goes again, ranting about how much he wants to kill him yet never does it, but you knew he cares for him in a way. Even when they never stop fighting, they were partners in crime.

"I don't think you will, you say that but it never happens.

"How would you know I wouldn't do it for sure?"

"Well. Because without him, you wouldn't be here right now and-"

"You're a nice guy, Chuuya." Your statement made him turn red in embarrassment.

"Y-you know, (F/n). I've love-"

"You can't do that, Chuuya. I've loved (F/n) even before you did."

Did you hear that right..?

He said that he loved you?!

"She wouldn't date a suicidal maniac like you!" Chuuya yelled, while the two argued. Your mind was processing what was happening.

"I love her more than you do!"

oh~why don't you prove that to me~? Like you would have the balls to do it."

Chuuya started to get angry again. Oh, he'll prove it alright. He hated losing to Dazai, he didn't want to lose the girl he loved to him. Chuuya grabs your shoulders and slams his lips with yours.

He was kissing you...

Even Dazai was surprised.

Chuuya pulls away. It was Dazai's turn, he kissed you too.

You could feel your checks heat up...

Dazai pulls away, a smile forming on his lips as if he just achieved something

"You bastard.."

Oh god please help me...


I might make a another part of this...Please tell me in the comments if you want to..

Next will be Edgar x shy reader

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