Little Sister (Dazai x Kunikida's Sister!Reader)

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Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary today. It took a while for Dazai to realize that his partner was no where to be found. He's been gone since morning, where could he be?

"Where's Kunikida-san?"

"He's probably with the Director, I heard that he's recruiting someone." Says Yosano.

Fukuzawa and Kunikda came out of the office.

"Yo! Kunikida-kun! You've been gone for ages..!" Whined Dazai, bored from the time he was away. He noticed a girl from behind the blonde haired male, her head peeled out shyly.

Dazai moves his head to see who it was. It wasn't just any ordinary girl.

A beautiful one.

The same, blond colored hair, tied neatly in a ponytail. (Colored) eyes that matched with the complexion of her face. Besides her hair she had different features but looked remarkably like Kunikida.

"She will be working here starting today. Go on, introduce yourself."

"M-my name is (F/n)...Kunkida. I hope we can get along.."

Dazai's eyes sparkled. She was just so beautiful and funny in her own way, how she stuttered was adorable.

"EHH?! KUNIKIDA-SAN YOU HAVE SIBLINGS?!" Atsushi asked, shocked.

"You have a problem with that?!"

"N-no! She's just nothing like you!" Atsushi hides behind Dazai in fear.

"So, (F/n). You'll be working with Dazai, help him if he needs anything since your brother won't be here much often to look after him.

(F/n) nodded, faces the chestnut haired man, and as well, the whole crew. They would be her new family. She was nervous, not used to so many people, but with a big grin on her face she managed to say:

"Please take care of me!"


It hasn't even been a month since (F/n) started working in the Armed Detective Agency, yet she was already getting used to the environment. Everybody was fun and bright, with so much color.

The Tanizaki sibling are a little weird, but they're caring. Kenji was cute, she thought of him as a little brother, often having to carry him back after eating out. Yosano acted sadistic, but she was protective of (F/n). Ranpo gave her snacks, she even plays board games with him such as chess, losing every time. He was just too good, as if he knew her next move.
The others were also friendly. She knew almost everyone well except for one person.

Dazai. He's funny, kind and caring, but she didn't know anything about him. His previous occupation, why he's wrapped with bandages, why he's suicidal. He was an enigma. A mystery. It was tough trying to figure out what was going on that mind of his.

Despite this, he was her closest friend. She liked being around him. (F/n) started to like him, thinking, she wanted to know more about his life.

"You're already done with work, Dazai-kun?"

"Yes. You could say I finished early to be with you. I missed you so much!"

He was dramatizing so much for he was only gone for 10 minutes.

Dazai held her hand, it was normal for him to do this but (F/n) was not used to it. On top of that, her brother was just across the room. She knew how furious he'd be if he saw his partner, flirting with his sister once again.

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