Orders (Butler!Chuuya x Reader x Prince!Dazai)

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this is a Fantasy AU! Hope you enjoy.


You hated it. Being engaged to someone you don't love and by force, was the worse. But you thought that it was for the best. It was like Romeo and Juliet all over again, two families fighting non stop, the only way to settle an agreement was for you to be engaged to prince Dazai Osamu. You had to accept it, ever since they've heard that you two were getting along, the fighting stopped and it was peaceful.

The problem is you didn't love him, you only saw him as a friend because you loved your childhood friend...who was also your butler, Chuuya Nakahara.

You didn't understand why women were so head over heels for Dazai, yes, he was handsome, but you didn't understand what made him so special. What does he have that women like? All you saw in him was a womanizer.

Women weren't attracted to Chuuya, even though you thought he was charming. He was kind and his looks were a bonus, he's what every woman would want in his man.

You wished you could marry him, but in this time, princesses are only allowed to marry or be in a relationship with a prince and Chuuya was only your butler.

You were just outside off the castle, picking up some flowers which you oftener did, making bracelets and flower crowns. Suddenly, you felt someone tapped your shoulder.

"Hi~" Dazai chirped. "Dazai, it's just you. You scared me!" You scolded him, punching his shoulder lightly.

"Hehe, sorry, What are you making?" H asked, curiously tilting his head to the side. "Oh, this? It's nothing." You placed the flower crown on your head and shot a glance at the man. "It looks weird, doesn't it?" He was silent for a moment before grinning.

"It looks very cute on you." He chuckled when he was you blush because of his compliment.

"Geez, I bet you say that to all the girls. This is why you have a reputation as a womanizer."

"I have a reputation?" He asked in disbelief. You sighed and went back to what up you were doing.

"Besides.." You continued, "I see you flirting and seducing girls all the time, you probably don't want to be engaged to someone like me..."

You could hear him chuckle, ".Wh-whats so funny..?" He continued to burst in laughter before wiping a tear that formed in the corner of his eyes.

"Flirting? Is that really what you think?" He gently pulled a strand of hair from behind your ear, stroking it. "You're mistaken, (F/n)-chan. Sure, I talk to girls but I don't flirt or seduce them. Actually..."

"You're the first girl I called "cute". I know, that your against us being engaged but I apologize I can't do anything about it. But if it's with you, then I don't mind spending a life with you." He smiled. Has his smile always been so charming? You swear you could feel your heart skip a beat.

"Hey, Dazai, there are a lot of girls in this world that are much attractive. Aren't you mad that your parents chose me to be your fiancé?" You asked.

"I'm not mad. Because, (F/n), You're already amazing the way you are." After all that, you could feel your heart soften a little. He was unexpectedly kind.

(Time Skip)

You headed to your room and laid down on your bed. As you were about to sleep, your peace time was interrupted with a few knocks from outside.

"Young lady, it's almost time for dinner.." You heard your favorite voice. "Chuuya how many times do I have to tell you? Call me by my name."

"Then..(L/n)-san." You shook your head like a stubborn, disobedient child. "Call me by my first name."

He blushed and whispered, "(F/n)..A mere butler like me shouldn't be talking to you so casually.."

"You're not my butler, Chuuya. You're my friend. You're special to me." His face turned even redder than before when you said the word, 'special'. He was probably not used to these words.

He removed his hat and placed it near his chest. He knelt down and held your hand, bringing it to his lips. Kissing it.

"Chu-Chuuya? What are you doing..?" You asked and blushed a little. "Give me an order. Since You never gave me a proper one." He demanded.

He was right. You never did ordered him around, you thought it was not right to treat him like that.

"What kind?"

"To protect you. To keep you company. Anything. I don't care if your already engaged, as long as your by my side. Then it's fine, you can trust me. I'll always be there for you." He smiled.

"I will always be watching you, (F/n)."

"Thank you, Chuuya."


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