Meant To Be (Kid!Dazai x Kid!Reader)

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I hope you don't mind that I made this kind of like an Soulmate AU typish story.


Requested: mrkumamin


You cried out in hope someone could notice you, which didn't work. They ignored you. It's been the third time you got lost because of a crowded place. You were in the verge of crying, thinking that you would never find your parents. You shake your head to get rid of the thoughts and held your chin up.

"D-don't cry, (Y/n)! You'll find them soon.." You whimpered out. Again, you tried talking to someone, asking for help. It didn't work. They just kept walking, bumping into your small stature. You were scared and helpless. Before you knew it, a tear escaped your eye and you started crying. It's amazing how ignorant the world can be even when they see a young girl crying.

After 5 minutes, you came across the nearby park. It wasn't as crowded as before. You sat down on the bench and wiped your tears with your sleeve. "where could they be..?" You continued to cry.

"Hey, chibi!"

Suddenly, you heard a masculine but slightly high pitched voice. You saw a boy, who looked like the same age as you. He wore a dark trench coat, and had a bandage over his right eye.

"Are you lost, girl?" He asked. You kept silent and nodded your head, slightly intrigued by his strange fashion. He looked a little dangerous but you couldn't help but feel safe, as if you could trust him. "Cheer up, girls like you shouldn't cry."

He patted your head and handed you a napkin. "Come, I'll help you find your parents." He insisted. You couldn't resist such an offer, "Thank"

"Dazai Osamu, you can call me Dazai." Dazai said, "And you are?"

"(Y/n).." You mumbled, "(Y/n)..huh, It suits you." He gave you a closed eyed smile.


You and Dazai chatted a bit, talking about random things. He seemed a little scary, but part of you seemed like you could trust him. After minutes of searching for your parents, still, no progress was made. You started losing hope again.

"What if I'll never find them..." You sobbed. Dazai, being the nice kid he is, wiped your tears with a napkin and patted you head.

"Don't give up so soon. Want ice cream? My treat." You could deny the offer. After all, you loved ice cream. "Y-yes!"

He ended up buying your favorite flavored ice cream and sat down next to you on the bench. "You should probably go now, Dazai. We've been looking for them for too long. What if your parents are worried about you,"

He stayed quiet for second before answering, "I..don't have any parents. Someone else is taking care of me, a doctor that is. It's fine though, I don't really wanna go back yet. Because Chuuya is going to be there.


"He's just my frie.. More like enemy.." He stated. He looked a little sad, you felt a ting of sadness after hearing this. You didn't know a lot about Dazai but maybe he has a rough past.

"Do you ever feel lonely? Where do you live?" You asked, "I used to live in the slums, but Mori found me and took me in. I've been working in the mafia ever since.." You slightly trembled when your heard "mafia". He didn't mean the dangerous organization..did he?!

"Are you scared of me now?"

You thought for a moment, "No...I'm not scared of Dazai. I'll admit, I was shocked to find out you were from the mafia. I was thinking of a lot of things like if you were a mean or violent person, but I know deep down Dazai is a nice guy."

You patted his back and gave him a warm smile, "giving you a pat in the back is what friends do when there feeling sad, right? After all, we're friends now"

The brunette couldn't feel more than happy to hear this coming from a true friend. He spotted something glowing around your neck, "(Y/n), what's that?"He pointed at the ruby shaped necklace.

"This was a gift mom gave me, she told me that it would glow when I find my so-called "soulmate", is what she said. Until now, is till don't know what it means but it must be something good. Don't ya think?"

"Dazai? Is something wrong?"

"I have the same one too." He took out the same necklace out of his pocket. To your surprise, it was glowing as well. Maybe, it meant that Dazai was your soulmate.

"Maybe we really were meant to be, Dazai." You giggled. Suddenly, he kissed your cheek. You were still an innocent girl, so you didn't know what he meant by this, but it was a nice feeling. Your face turned red.

"(Y/n)!" A voice called out to you from a distant. You looked back to see your parents. "I need to go now. Thank you, Dazai. I'll never forget you."

You waved goodbye before running the opposite direction, "I'll never forget you, (Y/n) friend.

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