Tea On Rice (Atsushi x Reader)

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It was a peaceful night at the orphanage. The children were playing happily together. It somehow put a smile on your face, your only wish that they could completely forget about their past and move on.

And you were heavily implying that to Atsushi...

You were at the kitchen, cooking dinner for everyone. It was your job after all, but not by force, you volunteered to do this.

Being the second eldest and knowing how to cook. You made them normal curry rice and chicken soup, cutting some vegetables to go with it. It was their favorite food to eat.

You enjoyed cooking a lot.

"All done.."

You handed the tray of food to your the person taking care of the orphanage.

She smiled as she took the tray, carefully walking out.

After she left, you started making delicious tea on rice for yourself. It was nice to treat yourself after a long day.

You then heard the door creak open, silver hair peeping out from the opening. It was Atsushi, the eldest of the family in this orphanage. He was only one year older than you so there was no need to call him 'big brother'.

Little did you know, he was suddenly attracted to the familiar smell of his favorite dish.

"I-I'm coming in." he said.

"Can I help?" Atsushi asked,

"sure! could you cook the leftover chicken?" He nodded. Taking the left over chicken you saved, cutting it in pieces. While you took the plums and slivered nori, then heating up the water to boil.

Atsushi gave the chicken ,neatly cut and cooked. You added rice on two bowls, with the pickled plums, slivered nori and chicken. All  doused in piping hot water with some salty kelp.

You smelled the finished masterpiece. Such a simple yet delicious dish. You could already taste it just by smelling.

You placed it on the wooden table, Atsushi following as well.

You placed it on the wooden table, Atsushi following as well

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"Hai, (F/n)-chan." hummed Atsushi as he took a spoonful of rice and lifted the spoon to your level.

You blushed but shyly opened your mouth so he could feed you.

After a while, you took the spoon from his hand and did the same to him; having the same reaction as you which you found quite cute.

He chews it lightly, loving how good it is. The soft rice, tender juicy chicken, mixed with the salty taste of the soup.

"It tasted good right?" He nods

"Hmm then.." you leaned your face closer to his, giving him a peck on the lips. Poor boy was not ready for this and blushed innocently at the sudden act.

"What taste better, me or the tea on rice? he didn't answer, simply stayed at his place like ice.

"I'm just kidding. Let's get back now!" You finished up and took his arm, leading him outside.

"I-I think you...taste better..." he mumbled quietly but audible that you can still hear it.

"Hehe..Your so cute, Atsushi."

this is more of Atsushi x Tea on rice.

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