Volleyball (Chuuya x Reader)

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Think one shot is similar to 'Orange' which is also a Chuuya x reader. I'm saying it's similar because Chuuya will still be having his ability while attending high school :D


"Pss..should we pass the ball to that guy? He doesn't look athletic.."

"Nah, he looks like a pipsqueak to me." (Boy's Name) said a bit louder, so the ginger haired boy could hear it. (Boy's Name) was an arrogant bully, always mocking others who were weaker than him. He didn't like him, the boy he was eyeing suspiciously for a while now.

Chuuya was the new boy at school. It's been almost a week since he's transferred to this new high school but no one knew him so well.

From the look of it; his classmates thought he looked pretty weak and scrawny because of his short stature.

But you don't underestimate Chuuya Nakahara, he may look like nothing but don't forget he's..

"Ah! Watch it, (Boy's Name)!" You hissed at the boy who walked passed, "unintentionally" bumping you at the process. He smiled smugly making you more angrier, you were about to throw another insult till Chuuya went in front of you.

"Hey. You should really watch where your going, dunce face." Chuuya threatened.

"And why should I?" You went in between them, trying to stop them from creating a ruckus. Thankfully the match was about to start, so they went back to their faces.

"You don't have to stand up for me, Nakahara-san. That jerk just wants attention."

"I know but-"

"Let's just forget about it, okay?"
Chuuya gritted his teeth, clenching his fist in anger.



"Go!" Sensei announces, signaling the start of their volleyball practice. The ball flew up in the air. Targeting at a certain boy, once Chuuya took a good aim at his target. He hit - slammed the ball down with full force, ball plummeting down on (Boy's Name)'s face.

"Stop!" Sensei shouted and blew his whistle. The game ending rather quickly as sensei ran (Boy's Name)'s aid who was, seeing stars and rainbows. He also had mark on his face that turned redder and redder each second.

But don't forget that he's an ability user and could crush you with his fist...

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you say something, pipsqueak?" Chuuya spatted with a smug grin on his face, as if he just accomplished something great.

"Chuuya! You went too far! See me after class."

"Tch, just great." Chuuya grumbled under his breath.


"Hmph. Why did I get in trouble? All I did was took out the trash." Chuuya sighed after a stressful talk with his teacher who couldn't stop scolding him. Thankfully, the teacher was aware of the bully's doings so his actions were justified. But it didn't mean he had to inflict damage against him.

In the end, he got out with just a warning.

"You did great, Nakahara-san!" A familiar voice chimed.


He blushed, "I-It was nothing really.."

You smiled and put a hand on his shoulder, "But that was so cool! You've got to teach me your skills sometimes, okay?"

He smiled back, "Sure, only if you'll go on a date with me."

"Oh, smooth~ It's a promise then." You chuckled.


God this was so cheesy xD I'm so sorry for this horrible one shot.

I made a new story! It's not that great but I hope you read and enjoy it anyways :3 it's about Katsuki making a wattpad account and meeting the reader at the site

 I made a new story! It's not that great but I hope you read and enjoy it anyways :3 it's about Katsuki making a wattpad account and meeting the reader at the site

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