Period (Edgar x Reader)

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I'm so sorry for the long wait WistiAnime . I just didn't have the time to write because of school,and I'm gonna apologize if this one shot is weird 😂 I don't know how to write about a girl on her period-


Requested by:WistiAnime

"Not again.." you sighed in disappointment again. It was that time of the month again, wherein a girl goes through. You were in your period again and it felt very uncomfortable, having to move around and do your daily routine had always been a challenge.

It didn't change the fact that you are cranky and upset.

You switched off the tv and headed toward the bathroom to change, thats when you noticed you were out of pads.

"But I don't want to go out.." You grumbled.



"Could you buy me pads?"

He looked at you, startled.

"D-do I have to..?" Poe was uneasy about your request, he's a man after all, and is embarrassed.

You looked at him with a frown on your face.

"Th-the cashier w-will look at m-me an-and.."

"It's fine! Just grab it, pay, then run. You know how uncomfortable I am."

After persuading him for a while he finally agreed.


You patiently waited for Edgar to come back as he went to a near by store a few blocks from the apartment you shared between him.

You heard the front door click and you knew it was him.

You walked over to see him, his face was red.

"See? That wasn't so hard." You laughed.

"H-hey! The c-cashier looked at m-me strangely!" Poe cried out in embarrassment.

"Aww, it's okay. Thanks, Poe."

Edgar handed you the plastic bag, inside was the thing that you needed, but you noticed that he was holding another bag.

"An-and I-I bought this too.." The other bag had some of your favorite pastries and candy.

"I knew you had a sweets craving so I bought it for you..."

You craved for sweets every time you had a period, Poe did you a huge favor. Oh, how lucky you were to have such a sweet boyfriend.

"Thanks, Poe~" you gave him a peck on the cheek making him blush and smile in response, you tugged him by the sleeve and slowly made your way to the dining table.


"I can't eat all of this. Lets share!"


Sorry if this was weird.

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