French Lessons (Dazai x Reader)

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Inspired by a one-shot made by ANIMESAMURAI ! Go check it out in her knb book :D


You are at an empty classroom. Almost all the student went home and teachers were fixing there stuff ready to go to, but you were still studying for a test that was gonna be held in less than a week and you had no time to fool around.

You were learning the french language. You had to admit it was quite difficult to learn, but you slowly started to get the hang of it.

You would even watch movie dubbed in French just to learn it more.

"you're still here, (L/n)?" The ginger haired boy came inside the classroom.

"Yeah,I'll go home in a little while. By the way, have you seen Dazai?" You asked.

"If your looking for him, he's studying for the test in the next room."He answered.

"Thanks, Chuuya-kun!" You thanked him and stood up from your seat, putting your books and pencil case inside your school bag.

Chuuya ruffled your head like what a big brother would do to his younger sister.

You went to the other room, knocking a few times before finally opening the door to see if Dazai was still there and he was.

"Senpai!" Dazai loves hearing the familiar sweet voice of yours.

"Oh, what brings you here, (F/n)-chan?" He asked.

"I've been studying french language and Chuuya-kun told me you were studying too so I was hoping you can review me!" You cheerfully said.

"Sure thing! Sit down." He patted the seat next to him, motioning for you to sit.

You sat down and dropped you bag on the table, "

Ok so lets start with an easy one. What is French for beautiful?" Dazai asked.

"Is it belle?" You asked,

"No! The French word for beautiful is you, Bella donna~" he teased.

"D-don't joke around! Senpai!"

"But you really are beautiful!"


"So let's proceed to the next question,Shall we?" You nodded.

Dazai just kept reviewing you with some fairly easy words and sentences. He wasn't serious though when doing it though, but it was okay for you.

It's been about 8 minutes and you two were almost done.

"You are so good at this, (F/n)-chan! I'll ask one more question."

"What's French for 'I love you' ?" Dazai asked the final question and of course you knew it.

"Oh, I know this one! It's Je t'aime!"

"Je t'aime aussi~" [which translates to: I love you too.]

You blushed again, knowing what that meant. You didn't know if he was teasing you or if he was telling the truth, but what he was saying made you blush and feel embarrass. He just loved complimenting you.

"Senpai, d-do you..?"

He smiled,"Yes, i mean it. I loved you for a very long time."

"Does that mean we're together now?"

He kissed you.

You were shocked at first but eventually kissed back.

"Does that answer your question~?"

"Y-Yes..I'll go now.." Just as you were about to leave, he grabbed your hand.

"I'll be taking you home now!"


My grandmother actually teaches me French every now and then so I'm learning a few words and sentences!

Bungou Stray Dogs (Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now