Protect (Dazai x Oda's Sister!Reader)

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Also, Dazai, Please protect (F/n)..." Oda mumbled his last words to the brunette. His eyes quickly losing color and life, but his words remained in Dazai's heart; to be a good man and to protect his sister. It would give him a reason to live.

Dazai's eyes were closed, still kneeling down by Oda's side. Mumbling,

"Okay. I'll do that.."


When was the last time he cared for someone this much?

Dazai was waiting for you to come back home when you left to do something urgent. Dread and worry sat in the pit of his stomach, it was already past bedtime. The streets were almost empty, becoming ghost-like.

It was until he heard the door unlock, all his worry and anxiety flushed down the drain as he to give you a tight hug. You could feel how much he's missed you.

"I was so worried." He said, still hugging you. You felt bad for making him worry but also feeling a bit mad, for treating you like a child who can't protect herself.

"I'm sorry for making you worry but I'm not a kid anymore. I can't protect myself."

"If you say so..."

You let out a deep sigh."I'm going to take a shower." You said.

Dazai's serious expression quickly faded when you saw him grin. "Then do you want to take a bath together~ Bella-" He was cut off when you whacked his head lightly.

He always had the need to protect you, as if it was his duty. It was his job, since you were the sister of his deceased friend. But it was something more than that.

You took a quick showered before going to bed. You didn't want to do anything else than to sleep.

Before you knew it, you settled into the embrace of sleep.

"(F/n)~! Are you hung-" Dazai lowered his voice once he saw you, sound asleep. Not wanting to wake you up, he placed the food on the table and rested beside you. His hand stroke your head, like a mother lulling and cradling her baby.

You looked so peaceful, like an angel. It's as if all his worries in the world disappeared. He stood there, admiring your features. You had the same, gentle look like his friend had.

She looks just like you, Odasaku.. Dazai thought, remembering the good memories back in the day when his friend was still alive and well. The memories made him smile in reminiscence, painted in his heart and never disappearing.

You reminded him of Oda.

He knew you were a strong girl, capable of many things. But at times, he could hear you crying and whimpering. Not because you were weak, but because of being strong for too long. Probably because of everything until now and how much you missed your brother.

That's why he resolved to always protect you from now on, from the world full of sadness and loneliness.

You shivered lightly when the cold breeze hit your sensitive skin, because of the opened window.

You were only wearing a night gown, but instantly you felt warmth when Dazai's trench coat covered your body.

The reason why he's doing all this is not simply because of a promise. It was more than just that.

He likes you.

No, He loves you.

Dazai pressed his lips against your forehead and whispered. "I promise I will always keep you safe..."

You were half awake when he said that and you could not help but crack a small smile.

"Thank you, Osamu." You mumbled, blushing a little.

"Can I say something, (F/n)?" Dazai asked.

You nodded and waited for what he was going to say.

"I love you."

The three words escaped from the brunettes lips. They were very simple but had so much meaning. A reminder that he would always be there to support you.

And you felt the same way.

" you too, Osamu."

Dazai felt surprised when you said that, but smiled.

He pulled you closer to him, his chin resting on you head and you're face rested on his chest. While he wrapped his arms around you.

The both of you stayed like that for a while, the night ending with both sleeping in each other's arms.


He protecc ;)
And sorry I haven't published your request yet,Wisteria6623 >.< i promise I'll publish it soon.

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