"calum isn't gay, dustin"

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47: calum isn't gay, dustin

47: calum isn't gay, dustin

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Dustin's pov :)))

(This takes place during the chapters 'you're being a tease, lana' and 'we're telling them, right now' !!!!!)

"Hey, Calum?" I knocked on Calum's door quietly after noticing everyone had gone to their rooms. It wasn't that late, so I decided to take a shower, but I couldn't find a towel.

"Come in." I opened the door to Calum's bedroom slowly and was surprised to see him in the process of putting a t-shirt on. It was easier not to look down at his chest than I thought, which I was thankful for. I didn't need to be caught staring at him. "What's up?" Calum slipped his t-shirt over his head and I slowly looked around his room.

"I need a towel, and I couldn't find any," I told him as I walked to his bookshelf and picked up a trinket that was sitting on one of the shelves.

"Oh, sorry about that." Calum walked toward me and passed me to get to the bathroom that was attached to his room. I held my breath as he gently brushed against me. "Well, shit," Calum said from inside his bathroom. I peeked my head inside and saw him looking at his empty towel rack. "I need to do laundry." I laughed quietly and Calum looked up at me. "Let's go see if Lana and Luke have any."

We both walked out of his room, and down the hall. We took a left and walked closer to their bedroom door, but we immediately started to hear noises and both of our eyes widened.

"Jesus fuck!" Luke yelled out suddenly, which caused both of us to jump. We glanced at each other from the corner of our eyes and started to back away from their door as we heard laughter.

"I can shower in the morning," I said, not feeling up to it anymore. Calum slowly nodded beside me and we both started to laugh quietly. I looked over at Calum, and he looked over at me. We stayed completely silently and I gulped quietly as I continued to stare at him. We heard a knock on the front door, and we both jumped.

"Oh, shit." Calum laughed embarrassedly, as he walked down the hallway, to get to the living room. Without another word, Calum was gone and I was left in the hall. I let out a deep sigh and walked after him.

I caught up with him eventually and realized he was walking slowly. I smiled at the thought of him waiting for me to catch up, but I concluded that there was a different reason.

"You did hear a knock, right? I have a doorbell, and they stopped knocking, so I'm not really sure anyone's there," Calum said, coming to a full stop. "Maybe Lana and Luke knocked something over." I chuckled at Calum's comment and he laughed, too.

"Well, I guess I'm gonna head to bed," I said after a moment of silence. Calum started to nod and I stared at the side of his face as he stared down the hall, looking at the door.

"Yeah, I'll probably go, too," Calum told me, fixated on the door. "Hey, before you go—" Calum gently grabbed my arm and I looked over at him. "Are you okay?"

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