Chapter fifty four

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Julianne's pov

Something in my mind didn't seem right and I couldn't shake the feeling of thinking Harry could be dead. But of course it was just a dream. Nothing was reality there, and I certainly hoped it wouldn't come true.

The night slowly faded away; morning seeming to come way to fast. I just wanted one of those nights where you can sleep and not be disturbed. I want to be able to wake up and feel refreshed, but that wouldn't happen. I had the worst sleepless nights, dreaming, more like having a nightmare that Harry died.

I have to see if he is okay, but visiting hours don't start till nine. The clock in my room read seven twenty three. With everything on my mind I woke up in the middle of the night, tossing and turning.

I ended up wrapped in my sheets like a burito, literally. He couldn't be dead. He can't be dead. Everything is just happening way to fast for me to realize what is actually going on.

After laying in bed for at least thirty more minutes, I find myself downstairs making some hot chocolate. Everything in this house, reminds me of being a kid.

The pictures of Harry and I on the wall bring back memories of the first and second grade. We were the best of friends, I just can't grasp how far we've come to where we are now.

Nothing seems right and I sort want to believe that I am still in a dream. I want to wake up, again, and know that Harry is okay and safe.

Once I calm myself down, I decide to call a friend of mine up.







The time on the clock read nine and it felt as if it couldn't come any faster. I sat in the living room, talking to my friends and catching up. It was nice to talk to friends who are there for you.

My parents had gotten up a long time ago, heading to work for the day. Of course offering to stay home because I may need them. I insisted that I was fine, and I would call if I needed anything.

I didn't even want to think about the last two weeks. It depresses me that such a man could do something to his daughter because of something that happened over a couple of years ago. My mind just couldn't seem to grasp that thought.

Though we may be related by DNA, he isn't my father because he doesn't act like one. He is no where near that. He put his brother in place of him, and he sure as hell earned the name fatherly figure with the way he treated me. He was there for me during my childhood.

Now my actual father comes back, and I get tortured for it? Nothing makes sense here and I just want some common logic here.






My way to the hospital seemed long, and never ending. Once I finally arrived I slowly walked in, almost too scared to see or hear the truth.

"Uh Hi, I'm here to see Harry Styles." My voice was shakey, but the nurse nodded. "Just sign in here please." Her smile made me smile and I felt like someone had just lifted the weight off my shoulders.

After finding out his room, I made my way over to the elevators. 





I couldn't seem to get myself to open the door to his room, when someone came out. "Oh hi, I was just-" I realized who it was, and wrapped my arms around them.

"Anne, I am so sorry." I started to sob, everything seemed to get me emotional and I just felt all around bad. This was my fault. "Please don't apologize hun, you've been through way too much." I just nodded the nice lady opening the door up before letting me come in.

Harry's eyes were closed, but he was certainly breathing.

"Harry, someone's here to see you." Anne was so gentle as she slowly rubbed Harry's hair, pushing it out of his face.

I slowly made my way over to the bed, his eyes opened and then closed again before fully opening. Anne slowly made her way out of the room, I guess to give us some time. "Harry, I thought I lost you." A single tear ran down my cheek. Seeing him this way made me sad.

He slowly sat up, moving the bed, so he could sit in bed rather than lay. "I am here now though aren't I." He never failed to make me smile.

"How are you feeling?" "Definitly better than when I had two bullets in me."  He chuckled. "I'm just a bit soar though, that's about it."

"I'm so sorry Harry, I wish it was me rather than you." More tears ran down my cheeks, Harry's thumb gradually whiping my cheek bone.

"If anything was your fault I'm sure you would be in a holding cell as of now. If I wasn't there when I did get there, you could've been dead. I think it's better this way, at least we are still alive." I smiled a bit, he was the sweetest, he really was.

"Harry, you really don't know how much I love you." The words came out of my mouth before I even knew what I said. "I love you too."





The rest of the day, we spent laughing about things we saw on the television, or something one of us said. It was one of those carefree days, where really all it matters, is who you are with. Because no matter what we do, we both smile and laugh.

And that's what I love about our relationship beause we both make each other laugh. We are always there when we need it. We have built up each day to be stronger than we were the last. Now the past is in the past and all that matters is the fact that we are both here.

That's what makes the world go round. It's the love and kindness we all have towards each other. Nothing can break the bond, no matter who it is. As long as you are laughing like crazy, or just smiling at each other. It's that unbeatable feeling you get when you're around that person. Those butterflies and fireworks that explode, that's what makes you happy. It's the others presence that get you through the day.

It's them and it always will be them, as long as the bond is unbreakable.

I really do love this chapter because it shows that Harry and Julianne really are meant for each other even through the roughest times they have. They may break up but I think it's fate that brings them together. Sorry if you found this short, I really tried my best with it! thank you all so much for voting and commenting it really keeps me motivated! ily guys have a great weekend!

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