Chapter two

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Chapter 2

Julianne's pov

I blinked a few times to make sure I was seeing right and yes, I was seeing right because right in front of me was Harry Styles. With his hair all cute and perfect and-

did not just call him cute.

"Hey Harry!" Natalie said smiling, she is such a flirt.

"Hi." I mumbled. I felt my cheeks burn up. Was I blushing?

"Hey girls." Harry said walking past us.

I was acting like he was some celebrity that I was too shy to talk to. Harry is my best friend.

Was. He was your best friend. My subconcsious spoke.


I walked into my house with the smell of cookies in the oven and pasta on the stove. My mom really loved to cook, she had such a passion for it.

I didn't bother talking to my mom before i headed to my room. I set my bag down on the floor next to my desk and flopped down on the bed.

My phone buzzed, I picked it up to see I recieved a message from Natalie.

N: 'So apparently theres a new kid coming to school tomorrow.

D: 'Is it a guy?

N: 'Mhm'

J: 'Yay'

After Natalie, Danielle, and I finished talking, I placed my phone down.

"Dinner!" my mom yelled from the kitchen.

I walked down the stairs unaware of what would happen tonight at dinner, considering that my day had already been weird enough.


Harry's pov

Running into Juls today was weird, I mean we hadn't talked since the middle school years. She always looked so beautiful and today when I saw her...she almost looked a little shocked and disappointed when she saw me, but I did catch her blushing maybe? I never in my lifetime thought I would be falling for her a little, but it can't happen, I mean we've been best friends since I moved acroos the street from her, when I came from England. I wouldn't want to ruin a friendship tat we've had for years. Besides I knew that she can't possibly like me, well maybe.

I finally got tired and fell asleep thinking of Julianne.


Julianne's pov

I walked into school yawning. My alarm woke me up too early this morning. It was all my brother's fault. I finally learned never to leave your room unattended when your brother is around.

I was running late, and for some reason, of all mornings, my locker was choosing not to open. After i finally got it open. I grabbed my books, and ran down the almost empty halls knowing I only had thirty seconds to get to class, which just happened to be all the way across the school.

As I rounded the corner going towards the west side of school i ran into someones locker. My books fell making a loud thump, along with me falling too.

"I'm so sorry!" an Irish accent exclaimed.

I immediately started laughing, I'm so clumsy. "it's fine, i'm just trying to get to class, i'm a little late." I said smiling. I got up picking up my books.

"Here." the guy exclaimed. That's when I looked up and saw his gorgeous ocean blue eyes, forgetting about getting to class.

"Thanks." i mumbled, blushing.

I was about to walk away, when I heard him speak again.

"Do you know where Mr. Wood's class is?"

I turned around smiling. "Yeah, that's where I'm going!"

He smied, "I'm Niall, by the way."

"Julianne." He nodded smiling at me.

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