Chapter three

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Chapter 3

Niall's pov

The hallways were empty as we walked towards, where I guess was Mr. Wood's class.

When we rounded a bend, I saw a couple class doors. Julianne pointed to the third one down. I held the door open for her as she took a seat next to a kid with a buzz cut.

"Julianne you're late."

"I know." Julianne mumbled, looking down towards the ground.

"Julianne was helping me." I said, everyone turned to me.

"So you're the new student." I nodded. "This is Niall." she stood up pointing to me. I could see her cheeks heating up with embarrasment.

"Thank you Julianne...take a seat...and Niall...sit behind Julianne please she will be helping you out. I'm Mr. Wood your social studies teacher. You can tell us more about yourself later if we have time."

I nodded at him taking a seat. I couldn't help but stare at the back of Julianne's head. She had beautiful wavy long blondish brown hair.

I didn't realize I was staring at the back of her head until she finally turned around.

"Here are the notes you will need for this class. Would you like me to show you to your other classes?" she asked smiling.

"Mhmm." I responded nodding my head.

When the bell rang we started walking down the hall.

"Meet me at my locker at the end of the's 1417... to the right of your hallway." She said.

I nodded as we walked into what looked like an art room.


Julianne's pov

It was about midday as I walked into math class. Miss Collins was at her desk grading papers.

I sat down at my desk and took out my notebook. The bell rang as Miss Collins emerged from her desk appearing in front of the class.

"Good Afternoon class, today we have a pop quiz. Please put away your notes and take out a pencil." she spoke in a monotone voice. The class groaned as we all got ready.

I turned around and handed the Louis a quiz. Louis was so funny. He had been my best friend ever since first grade. He was more of like a brother to me though. Even though I wanted to kill him at times, I still managed to fake a smile at him.

He gave me nothing other than a death glare as I turned around to face my quiz.

"PSSTT...JULS" Louis tried to whisper.

I didn't answer. I certainly did not want to get in trouble. I certainly did not have time for detention.

"Mr. Tomlinson, do you have something to share with the class?" Miss Collins uttered.

"Uh-no." he jutted out.

"Okay then, please sit quietly in your seat, and take your quiz" she said sternly.

Before I knew it, the bell rang, and I handed in my paper.



I put in my combination, opening the skinny locker door. Shoving my books in and closed it after grabbing my bag. When i closed my locker, Natalie happened to be standing right there.

"Hey!" Natalie cheered.

"Hi." I retorted.

" game tonight. Zayn is going to be there...I mean not that it means anything." she started to trail off as she blushed towards the ground.

"No duh, he plays on the football team idiot and why would I-" I stopped for a minute, realization hitting me. My eyes widened. "YOU LIKE ZAYN MALI-" she quickly shushed me before we were interrupted.

"Hey Julianne, oh sorry." Niall said.

"Hey Niall, and it's fine! Niall meet Natalie, Natlie meet Niall." I said smiling.

"Hey." They both said simoltanelously.

"So are you in?" Natalie asked as Danielle came up behind.

"Where are we going?" Dani asked.

"Football game." Natalie replied.

"You guy wanna come to?"

"Uhh, sure." Niall said smiling.

"Same here." Dani said.

"Okay! Meet me at the gates?" Niall and I nodded.

"Just meet us by the football field gates, okay?" I said, more specifically to Niall.

Everyone nodded as we all turned and left.


I looked to my phone, turning on the lock screen again, checking the time. 6:52. The game started in less than 10 minutes and I still couldn't find Natalie, Danielle, or Niall.

That's when I heard the thick Irish accent coming from my right. I turned to see Niall in a hoodie and jeans. Cutie.

Wait, Did I really just think Niall was cute? Of course, because he is.

"Hey." he said smiling.

"Hey! I've been looking for you all over! The game starts in like 5 minutes and we haven't found a seat!" I yelled, so Niall could hear over the crowd. Natalie and Danielle came up behind Niall, smiling.

"Let's all go find a seat, then we can talk." I retorted again.

When we finally found a seat it was actually probably the best that I have had all year...right in front of the side lines to the field. The perfect view of Harry Styles, the quarterback.

Since both Niall and I didn't understand football well, we took the time to get to know each other.

This year so far our team was undefeated.

Most likely because the seniors were the best football team in town.

Niall and I's conversation seemed to never end. I was laughing and giggling and somewhat making a fool of myself, but I soon learned a lot about that boy. Niall is yet another commedian, in which I'm sure Louis and him will get along real well.


Harry's pov

The lights were shining bright and the grass was looking pretty green. I looked over towards the side lines finding Julianne with a guy. A guy I had never seen before. She was laughing and having a good old time.

I felt the blood boil up inside me. What was this? Was I jealous? Me? Harry Styles. The one with all the girls...was....jealous?

My thoughts got interrupted when I heard, "STYLES!"

Oh no I turned around to see the ball was coming right for my head.

That was the last thing I saw before I got knocked down, and everything turned to blackness.


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