Chapter sixteen

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maybe 50 more reads? thanks lovelies😊

school in a week? how about no.


Chapter 16

Julianne's POV

Music blared through the whole place as the crowd danced to the beat, the bass practically shaking the dance floor. I let the music take over as well as the alcohol in my system.

I downed another strawberry vodka thing and made my way back to the crowd where I found Zayn.

"How's everythin goin?" I slurred.

"Great!" I smiled at his response knowing that inviting him was a good choice.

Niall and Carly had gone off to who knows, where probably making out. I turned around giving Zayn a little hip bump as I was becoming even more tipsy. My phone in my pocket drew me out of my state when it vibrated.

Missed call from Hazza Bear<3

I quickly shut my phone off as I regained my balance and made my way away from the dance floor. As I made my way back to the booth, two strong arms pulled me into them.

"Zayn get your arms off of me, you silly goose!" I said as I giggled a little.

All the sudden the arms around me were gone and I was spun around. When I looked into the person's eyes I didn't have to blink twice before I recognized them to be Harry's.

"What are you doing here goofy?" I giggled at him.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing! And with Zayn of all people!" I could barely hear him over the loud music.

"Why does it matter me and Zayn are just friends Harry!" His face seemed to lighten and his grip on my arm became looser. "Good because you're mine, and only mine." He whispered in my ear, obviously drunk. The tone of his voice brought chills down my spine.

"Who are you talking to Juls?" Zayn asked as he came closer. I watched as his eyes trailed up Harry's body. "Oh hey Harry, didn't think you were coming over this weekend!" Harry looked at Zayn.

"Well suprise cause hear I am!" Harry said, pulling a fake smile.

I watched as the two bickered back and forth for a bit. Zayn was obviously still sober, Harry not so much. His words were slurred to a point.

"Hey we should get going." I casually said to Zayn. I know it doesn't look good to Harry but I still wasn't completely there at the moment and all I wanted to do was sleep.

"You're going home with him!?" Harry yelled.

"No! I came here with him-" I didn't have time to finish before Harry punched Zayn across the face giving him a nice blow.

"Harry! I didn't finish! We both go to The Academy and since I didn't think you were coming, I invited Zayn because Niall and Carly were coming but I wasn't gonna be just a third wheel!" His face somewhat softened at my words but I still had a feeling he was mad.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow babe." I walked over to Harry giving him a short messy kiss before walking out of the club with Zayn.

I decided to send a quick text to Carly, letting her know that we left. I honestly don't know if she's still there but I'll let her know anyway.

I felt bad leaving Harry at the bar, I mean he was my boyfriend but he was drunk.

Yeah but he is your boyfriend.

My annoying subconscious spoke. At the same time I was also drunk but not as bad as he was. My head was spinning and by the time we got back to the car, I almost passed out. Zayn opened my door, helping me in.

The car ride back was silent and I knew tomorrow morning I wasn't going to remember anything.


My hands shook as I fumbled to get the door unlocked. I heard the click of the door and I walked inside, banging my hand on the wall trying to find the light switch.

The bright lights in the dorm blinded me and my head started pounding. I turned around and immediately shielded my eyes.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!" I screamed.

I heard shuffling around the room before I heard a door close.

"You can open up now." Carly squealed. I pulled my hands away from my face and opened my eyes to find Carly sitting up on the couch wrapped in a blanket.

"I don't want to know the details, I'm just going to bed."

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