Chapter 5: sleepover

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"You know boys I think I'm going to stay here tonight," Harry says when the taxi pulls up in front of my house. It was there to take the boys back to their hotel. We had just gotten back from ice skating.

"Um who said you could do that?" I ask getting up from my chair. I walk over to them. They were standing at the door way.

"You did... duh," he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Bye boys," I gave Niall and Louis a hug. They both left. "So why are you not going back to your hotel?" I ask going back to my chair.

"My hotel is so boring, I'd rather spend my time with you," he walked back into the kitchen. I watched him as he opened my cabinet and grabbed two bottles of brandy. "Oh Brandy, a sophisticated liquor," he teased.

I rolled my eyes and watched as he sat down. He handed me a bottle and I accepted it. I opened it and drank it up. We drank in silence. I was drunk by the time I got through a fourth of the bottle.

"I'm not what people like to think I am. I mean I'm only nineteen, I like to have fun and party but being labelled as a player or womanizer, that's just not me."

"Well then prove them wrong. Stop sleeping with so many girls. I mean the first time I met you we had sex and that was pretty easy," I say looking at nothing.

"Yeah well that's because your hot and like perfect in every way possible."

I laughed out loud to that statement. "I don't believe in perfection. I believe in acceptance. You're giving what you got, so take that and run with it. Humanity has never seen perfection and so we have no way to determine what it is. We just go off of a basic hope that we'll find something that probably won't even be remotely close."

"See that's what makes you so perfect. You have such a confidence about yourself; it's just perfect to be around."

"When my mother died I cried for nine days straight. I felt myself crumble on the inside out. I was pretty sure nothing would ever be like it used to be. Grass wasn't as green, the sun never was bright again, the smell of spring wasn't as beautiful. I knew then life as itself shifted. I stopped looking then. I stopped believing in perfection."

I don't know why I just told him that. It was a mixture of my intoxicated mind and my want to trust him. I was going to give this small part to Harry hoping I could trust him with it.

"I've loved and lost and loved again and yet my strength does not forsake me. You said that in The Loneliness of Crows."

"Wow," I looked over to him, "you actually read the book." I began to laugh.

"Ouch you thought I lied."

"Eh you never know," I continued to laugh. I saw the box that I left on my coffee table. Oops. I opened it and took out a small pipe. We were drunk might as well get high also.

"The intoxication never stops," he said as he took sight of what I was holding. I smirked then lit it. We got high and drunk. We were dancing around to no music.

Our bodies totally connected in one endless movement. I felt his warmth spread over me and I was intoxicated by his smell. My back was firmly pressed against his chest and he wrapped his arms around me holding me closer to him.

I lifted my hands to hold onto his. He was like my shell. He shielded me away from the rest of the world. "I love this song," I whispered dropping my head back onto his chest.

"It's the best song ever," he whispered back. We danced like that for what felt like hours. We ended up going to sleep. He slept in my guest bedroom and I slept in my own bed with Napoleon.

I woke to the sun pouring through my window. I looked up at the time, it was almost eight o'clock. I groaned. I had a lot of stuff to do today, why did I let Harry stay over last night?

I got out of bed and walked into my living room to see a half naked guy standing in my kitchen. "Please tell me your making tea," I sat down on my counter and rubbed my head.

"Well not exactly. I just decided to order in. Since you're a shitty cook," he said and turned around.

"Not true," I defended myself.

"So true," he fought back. I rolled my eyes.

"So Mr. Styles are you actually going to work today?" I ask. He walked over to me standing in between my legs.

"Mm probably not," he said.

"Oh come one you've got One Direction depending on you. You got to go."

"But I'm having so much fun here with you," he whispered. His hands were resting on my knees and his forehead on my own. My cheeks burned red as I bit my lower lip.

"Yes but Mr. Styles you see I'm an actual grown up, with a grown up job that requires me to do work. Besides Niall texted me and said they need you for sound check because you sir have a concert tonight," I said. I pushed him back then jumped of the counter.

"Ok, just promise me that your going to come to the concert."

"I make none," I say back.

"Please please please please please." He gave me puppy dog eyes and pouted his lip, showing off his dimple.

I poked the dimple, "fine I'll think about it." I stroll away.


"I can't believe I'm actually going to this thing," I talk to Niall over speaker phone in my car.

"Oh come on its going to be amazing," he said a little too cheery. I rolled my eyes. "Stop rolling your eyes Charlie," he said again like he could see me.

"Ok I'll see you later I got to go," he said.

"Later Niall," I press end and found parking. I walk to the venue and go to the front of the line. The teenage girls obvious giving me looks. Some saying 'who the hell is this bitch?' I talked to the security guard and he walked me to another one. This one was large and bald. In my head he looked like a Bill.

So Bill led me to a room and told me to wait there. I did and about twelve minutes later the boys came hopping in. "Charlie!" Niall and Louis chimed when they saw me. I got up and gave them both hugs.

"Nice to see you again Charlie," Liam smiled and shook my hand.

"Hi I'm Charlie," I smile and stick my hand out to Zayn. I haven't exactly met him yet.

"I'm Zayn." He said and shook it quickly. Well that was fucking rude. I look around the room but Harry didn't come inside.

I turn to Niall, "Where's Harry?" I asked.

"Oh I think he's in the bathroom," Niall answered. As if he heard us, Harry walked into the room. I smiled. He was smiling too.

"So you decided to come," he said smirking.

"Yea I had nothing better to do so I was like, oh yea Harry invited me to some kind of concert. So I just threw some clothes on and came here." I looked at my nails like I was bored with the conversation.

"Well your life is so boring you have nothing to do on a Friday night but come see me. Pathetic," he said. I rolled my eyes.

A knocking on the door then a guy stepped in. "Two more minutes guys," he said then left.

They started doing vocal warm-ups and I watched in amazement. Their voices were all so beautiful. They left to the stage and suddenly I was left alone in their dressing room.

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