Chapter 34: Like the Glass

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I got in my car and just started driving. I’m don’t know where to, but I just know I had to get away from Harry and that house. I hold on to the steering wheel tightly and try and focus on the street. Tears run down my face and I bite my bottom lip to keep the sobs from pouring out of my mouth.

I can taste the blood and scar on my lip and I was repulsed. I turn on the radio in the car. Never Say Never by The Fray came on. I let out a scream and lot my sobs run down. A wave of pain hit me and I couldn’t control it. My eyes went blurry and I couldn’t focus on the road. My heart dropped and my boy ached.

Pain surged through my veins like venom and hurt every single part of my. Scenes from mine and Harry’s fight ran through my head. ‘You evil little bitch.’ Harry’s voice echoed. ‘I hate you Harry. It’s all your fault’ my voice screamed over his.

‘Charlie listen I’m sorry ok, I love you.’ That wouldn’t go away. Harry’s voice played over and over. “Everybody leaves. Everybody leaves,” I chant to myself. Visions of a car hitting Harry and Bella begin to replay in my head. I reach to turn up the music.

Don’t let me go, don’t let me go.

That didn’t help. Everybody lets me go. The music still blared in the background. I pictured my mom in her casket and Mickey getting hit by a car on her bike. I saw my dad sitting across the table from me telling him I never want him in my life again. I two little girls hand in hand screaming out mommy. I close my eyes and open them trying to flush out the pain.

The sound a thunder rolled through the car and rain began to pour. I was on a small highway now. Only two lanes. My foot was heavy on the gas even though I didn’t want to drive fast. I didn’t know where I was. It was dark and gray. My head began to pound along with my heart.

The scene came back. This time there was a truck and I could see it driving slowly down the street before it could hit Harry. I tried to yell move but he couldn’t hear. He stood there smiling and waving. The truck hits both of them hard “NO!” I scream out in the car and look up. All I see are lights, impact then black.

Harry’s Pov

After I watched Charlie walk out my whole world fell in front of me. Everything I had lived for just walked out the door. I felt anger and pain build up inside of me. It overwhelmed my body to the point where I let it out by punching a picture and another and another. Even after all frames and pictures were broken in glass on the floor it was still there and overbearing.

I walked over to the glass coffee table and kicked it in. It shattered onto the floor. The noise filled my ears and finally I recognized how I was feeling. Shattered. Broken into a million pieces. Tears started to run down my face but I couldn’t notice. I turned around and flipped over my couch. I need the pain to go away.

I screamed and sobbed but it was still there. My heart still ached. I sat against a wall. I sunk down to the floor and just let the pain take over. I rested my elbows on my knees and cried into my hand. I sat there and it took me. The dark that came with the fight, with her leaving, the darkness that came with losing my only light.

I heard my door knob turn and I looked up. Niall, Louis and Zayn walked into the door. “What happened in here?” Louis asked walking over to me.

“I think Harry did,” Niall said quietly. The last thing Niall said to me was please don’t fuck her up again. I guess she already did that to me.

“Leave. Get out,” I say choking a little.

“We’re not going anywhere mate.”

“She left me. I fucked up again! How the hell did I do this again! She took off her ring and walked out the door.”

“Why did she leave Harry?” Niall asked seriously. “Where did she go?”

“I don’t know man but she left because I hit her,” Niall lunged forward at me. I stood up.

“You did what?” he asked on the brink of anger.

“It was an accident. She was hitting my back and I turned around to get her off. I guess I pushed her and my hand snapped. I never wanted to hurt her.”

“Well you sure have a fucked up way of showing her that don’t you Harry.”

“Niall calm down,” Louis said and began to walk around the room.

“I don’t know I was mad. She blamed me for everything. She said I’m the reason why Bella is dead. She hates me. I know I could see it in her eyes.” I wiped my tear away. My phone began to buzz in my pocket. “Hello?” I answered.

“Harry Styles?” a man spoke over the phone.


“You’re fiancé is being taken to St. Peters Memorial Hospital. She’s been in an accident.” I hung up the phone and walked towards the door. I put on a hoodie and my shoes. I looked for my keys in the glass that shattered all over where the coffee table used to be.

“What happened?” Zayn asks walking up behind me. I cut my hand on a piece of glass and it begins to bleed.

“Charlie’s in the hospital. She was in an accident. We have to go now,” I say still looking for my keys. Niall picks me up off the floor.

“You’re in no position to drive mate. We’re taking my car.” He says and comforts me. Angry Niall is gone now he’s just concerned and worried. Like I am.

In the ride to the hospital I stayed quiet the whole time. I pulled my hood over my head and looked out at the rain drops. My tears fell as the rain. My eyes were the clouds and my tears were the endless stream of water pouring out. We got to the hospital and entered through the waiting room. I walked over to the reception. “I’m here to see Charlie Walker,” I say to the man behind the desk. He looks up at me in awe and then back down to the computer.

“She’s in surgery right now. The doctor will come back and tell you how she did,” he said and looked up at me again. Maybe for a little long. I walked over to a chair that Niall, Louis and Zayn had saved.

 “It feels like we should get a membership to this place with how terrible drivers you guys as a couple are. I mean the least we could get are some more comfortable chairs that are reserved for us,” Louis says lightly. I manage a small smile for him.

“Shut up Lou,” I joke halfway but I really meant it.

“I mean collectively as a couple you guys probably should be stripped of any license and vehicles,” Louis continues.

“I know right. You live your whole life in England and you don’t even know how to drive in the rain,” Niall said too. I could tell they were just trying to cheer me up. I pull my hood over my head and sit back in my seat. I had a long night ahead of me.

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