Chapter 15: She'll be Perfect

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I stared out the window of the airplane watching as the hustle and bustle of the airport continued on. Harry had insisted we rode first class even though I'd preferred to ride in coach. I had nothing against first class I just felt like I wasn't important enough to be in one of those big plush chairs.

I looked over at Harry and gave him a feeble smile. This was hard for me. My home was one of the last places I've ever felt really comforting. I'd sit back in my chair and read endlessly until some kind of muse sparked in my mind. Then I'd write for hours before even thinking about getting up.

"See this is a lot more comfortable then coach," Harry snapped me out of my daydream.

"Yea I guess. I'm just going to miss home."

"Don't worry I promise that your chair will be at my flat when we get there. I'll move it exactly where you want it to be."

"You know that chair has never left California."

"Really? But I thought you lived in New York before you moved to California," he said.

"I did but it was my grandmother's before it was mine. We moved to California when my grandmother became sick. After she died my mother spent countless hours in it. I'd wake up to see her just sitting in the chair cuddled up with a blanket sleep. My dad said there are certain ways to feel close to some. Sometime you hold on to them in the things they had. My grandmother was trapped in the chair for my mother.

"It always smelled of old people," he joked lightly. I rolled my eyes.

"It smells of my mother. Rosemary and ginger, the weirdest but most perfect combination in the world."

"Yeah that's what I meant to say," he said. I smacked him in the chest. "Gets some sleep it's going to be a long flight." I rested my head on his shoulders and closed my eyes.


"Harry no I want it over there!" I exclaim watching him move the chair for the fifth time. He pushed it over next the couch and tv. From where it was I had a perfect view of the tv and window on the other side of the room.

"Is this fine?" He asked tired leaning against the chair.

"Yes just turn it a little to the left," he started turning it, "no! Not that left." He rolled his eyes and pushed it a little bit over. He stopped and looked at me.

"Is this it or do you need me to move it to China now?" He asked sarcastically.

I jumped and clapped. "Yes! This is perfect! Thank you!" I ran over and sat in the chair. I cozied into it. I rubbed my face against the dark red leather taking in the smell of rosemary. It's perfect.

"Good," Harry let out a tired breath and plopped down on his couch. He looked at me and smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm just excited."

"About what?"

"About my baby. What do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?"

"I don't know a boy?"

"I hope it's a girl. I hope she's a girl with curly hair and your big brown eyes. She'll have my singing ability of course but your creativity. She'll be a rock star and Niall, he'll teach her how to play guitar, and Louis the piano. You say you don't believe in perfection but our little girl, I promise you she'll be perfect." He smiled looking up at the ceiling.

"And you know you'll be a great mum also. Yeah you'll love her with all your heart and spoil her so bad. I mean she'll be a proper brat with your attitude. I don't know but she'll just be great. She'll change everyone's life. Everyone who meets her will be affected."

I smiled. I got up off the chair and walked over to Harry. I laid down next to him and wrapped his arm around my waist. I rested my head on his chest and held onto him. I felt his soft lips against my forehead.

"I think she'll be so beautiful. Her hair will be long and brown and curly kind of like yours. She'll be tall and have long thin legs like yours, no offense. She'll have a smile that just lights up the world and every time you see her it'll be like falling in love again," I said to him.

"Exactly." He said I looked up at his face and he was smiling at nothing. I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me." He laughed. I rolled my eyes again and sat up.

"Oh Mr. Styles mama's hungry," I said standing up. He sat up next to me.

"Of course." I smacked his chest. He laughed and looked down at my stomach. "So what are we going to feed mama huh baby?" He asked not me but our unborn child.

"How about pizza?" I asked and got up. I put on my shoes and a sweater. Harry did the same and we walked out of the house. We walked outside and saw his neighbor getting out of his car and into his own house.

I watched as the man walked to his house in shock. I grabbed onto Harry's hand because I felt like I was about to fall backwards. Harry waved to the man and the man waved back. When the man was finally in his house Harry looked at me.

"What's wrong you look like you've seen a ghost," he said.

"That's because I just have, or at least I thought it was a ghost."


"That man Harry, he was my father."

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