Chapter 29: Bright Again

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“Harry you have to go,” I say grabbing one of Bella’s toys and taking it over to her play pin. She sits lays on here back smiling up at the small cloth suns hanging above her. We had to redecorate the whole entire living room do to baby proofing and baby toys. Two months have gone by and Baby Moon is getting more perfect every day. When she smiles it’s amazing and pure.

“I don’t think I should leave you two yet,” he says from the couch. We were discussing about how Harry should go on a short press tour with the boys in the UK. Harry’s been out and One Direction has been down for almost 10 months and I didn’t want the blame to be my fault.

I walk to my chair and sit down. I wrap my cardigan around my body and sit on my feet. “It’s only going to be two weeks. I can manage two weeks,” I say trying to reassure him. Honestly the pressure of breaking up the most famous boy band in the world would be a little too much for me right now.

“No its ok everybody understands. We’re thinking about taking a break anyway. You know just time for everyone to breath. Niall just moved in with Ryder, Zayn has to plan his wedding with Perrie, Lou has to own the football team, Liam is thinking about proposing to Sophia, and I have you and Bella to worry about. We just don’t have a time to be a boy band right now.”

I get up and push the hair out of my face. I walk over to him and sit down next to him on the couch. I lean against him and kiss his cheek. “What happened to the cheeky, boybander, British Harry Styles I fell in love with huh?”

“Well he broke and woman’s heart and realized it’s not about the boy bands or who he is. It’s all about her and as long as she’s happy he would be ok. I’m going to stay here with you and Bella for however long you need me. I don’t want to leave you here Charlie. I don’t want to leave Bella,” Harry gabbed my hand and lifted it up. He played with my fingers, lacing them together, touching each one softly, he did it so absent minded he didn’t know the secret effect it had on me.

I will always be in love with Harry and I will hate the day I stop getting butterflies around him. He sets me on fire and that is one thing I love about him. All we have to do is sit down and look at each other and I couldn’t feel more alive. He makes me believe I could do anything.

“I’m going to need you not to argue with me over my decision. I love you and I’m not going to leave you here alone for two weeks. I love you but it’s not going to be that easy to get rid of me,” he says and smiles.

I poke his dimple and smile back. He lets go of my hand to poke mine. “I guess I’m going to have to love you too. If you’re going to be here for the next two weeks,” I say sarcastically. I smile and look away from him. I feel his kisses on my neck and I laugh. He wraps his arm around my waist and flips us over on the couch. He connects his lips with mine, I reach up for his face and hold him there.

He pulls away and I close my eyes picturing him on my lips again. “Be careful this is what got us Bella Moon,” Harrys says and I could almost hear him smirking.

“I don’t get a period until another three months at least. Plus I’m breast feeding so I won’t be getting pregnant for some time,” I say with my eyes still closed. Harry lets out a small laugh and bends back done to kiss me.

“Well then I know exactly what we are going to be doing to pass these two weeks,” Harry says against my lips. I enjoy it maybe too much because simultaneously a baby’s cry tears through the room. I open my eyes and look at the play pin.

“Yea me too,” I say and push Harry off of me. “Time to be parents.”


The next two weeks turned into another two months. We had lost track of the outside world. Harry, Bella and I just enjoying each other. We would go out on walks in parks. Harry would sing to her. Her favorite song was Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift. Every time Harry sang it she fell straight asleep. I would read to her every morning. I started with the first book I ever read, Charlotte’s Web; of course I read it because I liked that it had the same name as me. Days seemed so full with them two and Niall of course. He had managed a visit at least twice a week to his god daughter. Niall would play with her and played guitar.

Of course Twitter and Instagram exploded with videos and pictures of Baby Direction. Directioners called her Baby Moon. Everyone seemed to love her and I was happy for that. I logged back onto twitter after continuously deleting it. Harry had posted a new picture or video everyday of her.

I took more to Instagram. I found a fan page just for ‘Baby Moon’. So of course, I followed it. Things were going great. It was bright again.

It’s ending September now. One Direction announced that this whole year was going to be a year’s rest for all of the boys. They have been making the album though. So Harry would be leaving in the mornings and coming home for dinner.

I was out with Bella. She was wrapped up in her stroller. It was raining so I had all of her covered and the plastic covering over. I was wearing a long coat and jeans with rain boots on. I walked into a record store and began down one of the aisles. “Excuse me,” a girl’s voice came from behind me.  I turn around and see a girl and a guy behind me. They weren’t a couple because she looked about twelve and he looked 22.

“Yes?” I say smiling.

“You are Charlie Walker right?” she says getting excited.

“The last time I checked I was,” I respond.

“Can you um sign my book?” she says searching into her purse. The older guy rolled his eyes.

“She’s obsessed with you,” he says.

“Yeah well that’s something you hear everything,” I say and reach out my hand to him. “I’m Charlie.” He shakes it.


“Here you go. I just wanted to say your poem Linguistics saved my high school life. Omg and Once upon a Nightmare literally made me cry for about three nights. When the book was over it felt like I was going through one of the worst break ups in my life,” she begins to ramble.

“Um thanks. Wait you’re in high school?” I say taking in everything she said at once. She hands me the book and it’s not even my own. I open it and begin to sign anyway.

“Yea um year 10 next year...” she continues to speak but I tune her out.

I grab a CD without looking. I just needed to exit the conversation. “You know what I really wanted to get this. And I should be getting back home so if you excuse me,” I say as politely as possible. I walk up to the cashier quickly and pay for it, rushing out of the store. Once I’m finally out I look at the CD for the first time and see its One Direction’s Up All Night. I laugh to myself and roll my eyes as I continue to walk to my car.

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