Chapter 35: I am Shattered

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Harry’s Pov

I got up from the chair I was sitting on and walk to the hospital cafeteria. I bought a bottle of water and a ham and cheese sandwich. We had been waiting at the hospital for about three hours. It was almost 10:45 at night. I sit down on one of the cafeteria benches and open my bottle of water. I take a sip of it and when I put my bottle down I see a little girl standing in front of me.

She had on a pink beanie and gloves that matched. “Hi,” she said and smiled.

“Hello, what’s your name?” I ask nicely.

“Susan, and you’re Harry Styles. Right?” she said. I nodded my head. “My sister had pictures of you on her wall. She says you saved her life,” she said.

“Really? Where are your parents?”

“They’re with her in her new room. They say she hurt herself really badly so she has to stay here for a while. She hurt her wrist and wanted to go to sleep.” My heart almost dropped.

“Can you take me to her room?” I ask and she nods. I get up and take my water and sandwich. I follow Susan down two halls and she walks into a room. I walk in and see a man holding a woman right next to a hospital bed. The girl was trying to comfort them lying down in the bed. The woman caught sight of Susan.

“Susan where have you been?” she says slightly angry. Susan walks over to her and hugs her. Then her mother looks up at me. I walk into the room.

“Um I’m Harry I met Susan in the cafeteria and she said that someone here was a fan of mine,” I say and shake the mother and father’s hands. I turn to the bed. “Hi,” I say nicely to the girl lying down.

“Oh my god this isn’t real,” she says and begins to cry.

“It is but I can’t stay long be I’m here for my fiancé.”

“Charlie is in the hospital? Why?” she asks concerned.

“Don’t worry she’ll be ok. So will you ok? You will be ok. Stay strong and remember you’re too beautiful for any of this. I’ll come back to check on you but I have to go,” I say and kiss her forehead.

“Ok,” she mutters and I walk away. I walk back to Niall and Zayn. They’re talking to a doctor. I walk over to them.

“What’s going on?” I ask confused. The doctor looks at me.

“You’re Ms. Walker’s fiancé?” he asks and I nod my head. “She’s in an induced coma right now. The force that impacted her head was very powerful so we’re keeping her down while still running test. It’s best to keep the brain inactive at this time to really find any problems if there are any. She had a cracked rib but that should heal in no time and her shoulder was dislocated. We also found some shards of glass in her right hand. Considering the force the car was coming and the condition the other driver was in she came out with the minimal amount of injuries. She is quite lucky. If she continues on with this kind of success there shouldn’t be any kind of permanent damage.”

I let out a deep breath. I was relieved to know she’s going to be alright. “When are you taking her out of the coma?” I ask.

“In three days we’re stopping the anesthetic. She should be waking up on the fourth.”

“Thank you so much. Can I go in there and see her right now maybe?” I say and he nods. Niall goes and sits down and I follow the doctor to her room.

She laid there still and quiet. I watched as her chest rose up and down slowly. Her hair laid all around her. Her skin was pale and her lips were drained of their soft pink color. I walked and pulled up a chair right next to her bed. I brushed the hair out of her face. “Hey,” I whisper quietly. I hold onto her cold hand.

“I’m so sorry for everything I said. I’m so sorry for everything Charlie. You’re right it’s all my fault. I wish I could go back and change the pass. I wished I could go back and never break your heart. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I need you more than I’ve ever needed anyone and I don’t know why I keep hurting you. I hate myself for everything bad I’ve done to you. I hate myself for what happened to Bella. It was all my fault. She’s gone, our baby is gone because of me and I’m so sorry.” I release her hand and wipe away the tears that run down my face.

“I know that things can’t go back to the way they were before but I really can’t live without you Charlie. I’ve tried and it’s impossible. I love you so much and I loved Bella. I really did. I just. I’m not sure if I can make it without you two. So I know you hate me and I deserved to be hated but please forgive me. It doesn’t have to be now but I can’t live with you hating me.” I take her ring out of my pocket I look at it quietly.

“I love you. I don’t want you to ever leave me, but when I said forever I meant it. I hope you find out that you did too,” I say and put the ring back on her finger. “It’s hard to see when your light is taken away from you. You’re my light and now I’m blinded.” I whisper and kiss her cheek. I wipe the tears from my face and stand up.

I walk out of the room.

*Four days later*

Niall and I arrived at the hospital around six this morning. The doctor’s took her off the medicine last night now all we can do is sit and wait for her to wake up. We sat in her room looking at her.

It was almost four in the afternoon now. Niall went to get some lunch for the both of us. I sat on a chair with my head against the wall behind me. “Harry?” a weak voice echoed through the room. I looked up and saw Charlie trying to sit up. Her big greens eye awake and full.

“Yeah?” I say quietly. I get up and walk over to her bed. “How are you doing?” I ask standing right beside her.

“I’m having a small case of déjà vu. Can I have some water?” she asks and I pour her a cup she grabs it and drinks. “What happened?”

“You got in a car accident. Your shoulder was dislocated and your rib was cracked. You were out for three days,” I say. I force a smile. “I am so happy to see you’re ok.” She smiles too but it wasn’t genuine. Niall walks into the room with two soups in his hand.

“Hey I got you meatball soup because it was the only thing that looked edible. I hope you like balls in your mouth. Oh shit Charlie,” he says. He walks over to her putting the soups on the table next to the bed. “Hey there how’s it going?” Niall says looking at her. He smiles and she smiles back.

“Um I’m a little sore. My arm feels like it’s about to fall off and I feel like I got punched in the rib. The cracked one I’m going to assume. I’m fine.”

“The doctor said you can come home in two days,” I say. She smiles and looks at me. She grabs my hand and kisses it. Niall excuses himself to the bathroom.

“Harry… I can’t go home with you,” she says softly. “Not now.” My heart sinks down to hell. My throat feels like it’s about to become swollen so I don’t say anything. “I’m sorry.” She says.

“I understand,” I manage to choke out. Niall walks in and looks at me then back at Charlie.

“Niall can I stay with you for just a couple of weeks?” she’s asks without warning. I let go of her hand and walk out of the room quickly. I get outside of the room and lean against the wall. The tears fall uncontrollably and I bury my face in my hands. She’s gone and it’s all my fault.

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