Chapter 8: you've got me

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"Hello?" I answered my phone. I went to sit down on my chair in my living room.

"Hey Charlie it's Harry." I hadn't talked to Harry since the interview. Seeing those pictures put me in sort of a jealous rampage. It's been a week. I've been alone in my apartment for a week.

A.J left and now I kind of am just bored all the time. "Hey Harry how's it going?" I look out my window. It's raining hard. It's been raining a lot for California.

"Fine it's just raining a lot," he said.

"It's raining here also. Where are you now?"

"I'm right outside your front door."

"What?" I jumped up and ran to the door.

"Yea now can you please open it? I'm kind of cold and I really want a hug." I opened the door and saw him standing there. I pulled him in and hugged him.

I squeezed him tight and heard his laughing. "Miss me baby?" He said looking down at me. His smile was big and his eyes green. They caught me and I was so lost. His arms were wrapped around my waist so tightly.

I couldn't help the smile that was on my face. I couldn't control what happened next. I got up on my toes and kissed him hard. I had wanted that kiss for the last three weeks. He kissed back with just as much urgency that I had.

"Woah please not in front of the Irish," Niall's voice entered my home. I pulled away from Harry's lips and looked at Niall. My cheeks burned red as I hid embarrassed behind Harry's chest. I composed myself and walked over to Niall.

"Hey Niall," I wrapped him in a big hug.

"Do I get a kiss too?" He joked. I hit his chest and walked away. I closed the door behind Niall. I walked over to my chair and sat down. I watched as the boys sat down on my couch.

"So why are you two out here? Isn't there a tour your supposed to be on or something?"

"Or something. We are actually here to save you," Niall said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we as a group decided that you Charlie Walker need to come on tour with us."

"I need to what?"

"You need to come on the rest of the American leg of the tour," Harry interjected.

"Why do I need to exactly?"

"Because it's boring to be alone and it's best if you have fun with us on tour for the next three months. It's not like you have anything better to do," Niall explained

"You boys do know I have a job right?" I asked.

"You're a writer. Since when was that a stable job? Just take you laptop with you and write wherever you go. There is really no reason for you not to go on tour with us," Harry said.

"Well then since we're discussing my plans over the next three months when do we leave?"

"You agree?" Harry asked excited.

"Might as well right? So when do we leave?"

"Um our flight is tomorrow. Can we stay here over night?"

"Sure. I guess I got to start packing," I said and got up. I walked back to my room and took two large suit cases out of my closet.

I placed them both on my bed and began to pack. I heard footsteps come through my door and turned around. I smiled at the sight of Harry. He walked over to me slowly and placed his hands on my waist. He pushed me back against my bed until I was sitting down.

Our eyes didn't leave each others. I was almost not breathing anymore. I moved my hands to his biceps and held on to them. His face was so close to mine. I could feel his lips on mine they just weren't there yet. He laid me down on the bed, the suitcases falling to the floor, and climbed over me.

"Are we still just friends?" He asked lowly. I couldn't reply. "Cause if we are I don't think you can come on tour with us."

I couldn't take it anymore. My whole body was on fire. All I wanted was for Harry's lips to be on mine. I starred at his lips longingly.

"So what was that kiss all about?" He asked. Was this really a time to be talking Harry?

"I guess I just missed you."

"I miss you too." I decided to make the first move. I reached my hand up and pulled his face down on top of mine. I kissed him with just as much passion as the first kiss. I was burning up and waves of electricity shot up and down my spine.

"Be mine," he whispered against my lips. "You can't go on tour until you say your mine."

I rested my head back on the bed. I smiled to myself. "I don't want to be your friend anymore Charlie. I can't fucking be your friend anymore just please say you'll be mine."

I let out a long breath. "I'm yours Harry. You got me," I whispered looking into his eyes.

"Your mine and I am yours," he smiled then kissed me. I smiled in the kiss and couldn't control it.


"So can we have sex now?" Harry asked and I laughed.

"Not right now but soon."

"That's good enough for me." He lifted me up off the bed and spun me around. He pressed me up against the wall and continued to kiss. "I've missed you so much you know and I've been waiting for you to say your were mine since I met you."

"I've been waiting too. I just didn't know it before." There was a knocking on the door and Harry and I looked over to see Niall walking in.

"Do I really have to keep walking into this guys? Seriously get a room."

We both laughed and I jumped down from Harry's waist. "So what do you want to do tonight boys?"

"I say let's party!" Niall cheered.


We were all in the limo ready to go to a new club that just opened. It pulled up and we all poured out. There was paparazzi all over the place. Harry held onto my hand tightly as we walked inside.

We finally made it inside the club and everything was in full swing. We walked over to the bar and bought a round of shots. Those went down and so did three other rounds. My body was filled up to the brink with alcohol.

Later my intoxication was later fuelled by the smoke of marijuana and alcohol. I was dancing with Harry. Our bodies were moving and grinding together. I had lost myself to the beat. The only thing holding down to earth was Harry's hands on my hips.

Next thing I know it wasn't his touch that was holding me anymore it was his kiss. I hadn't remember anything else that happened. Not until I was back in my own bed with Harry on top of me.

We were thriving in each others body heat. Sex fuelled by the drunken lust that had built up between us. I was lost in the great feeling he was giving me.

It was great and I woke up to perfection sleeping next to me.

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