Chapter 31: ... Not Going to be Alright

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It was raining outside the day my mom died. She was on her way to the store to buy a special cheese to make mac and cheese. She walked even though my dad offered to drive her. She was crossing the street when I drunk driver drove straight through a stop sign. They knocked her out from underneath and she was killed on impact. The driver drove straight into a tree and his passenger died too.

The day was November 19 it was a Tuesday. I was with my boyfriend when I got the news. We were up in my room. The door was closed and All My Life by the Foo Fighters was playing. My dad walked into the door and said that we had to talk. We sat down on the couch Adam sat with me and he told us the news and it was the most afraid I have ever been in my life.

Now it was the second was the second most frightening time of my life. The ride to the hospital was long and agonizing. Every stop sign, every car we passed was another second I was away from being alright. Niall didn't speak, he just drove. I looked out at the rain clouds but it was too dark to see anything.

It's not like I could anyway, my eyes were blurry. Tears weren't pouring as quickly but I couldn't focus on anything. I rolled down the window and let the water splash onto my face. The cold was refreshing and numbing. The window rolled up and I looked at Niall. He kept his eyes on the road.

We made it to the hospital finally and Niall helped me walk inside. I couldn't feel anything I was numb. Only pain filled my body rendering everything else useless. Pain filled from the tip of my toes, all the way up to the aching in my jaw. My heart pounded quickly and hard. Tears burned on my cheek.

Anne was already there. She sat crying in a chair. Niall let go of me and rushed over to her. I looked around the waiting room. The light blue walls in contrast to the brown carpet repulsed me. The maroon wooden chairs set off something I hated. To me it all meant death. Hospitals are places you go to die.

"Charlie are you ok?" a voice spoke behind me. I turned around and saw Paul. He gave me a hug and I hugged back. Paul smelled of car air conditioning and a forest after it rained. "Harry and Bella are going to be alright you know that," he says holding me at the shoulders.

I bit my lip and nodded my head. I can't find it in me to speak at the moment. I nod and turn away I walk to Anne and she gets up and gives me a hug. "How are you doing?" I ask, knowing I should be strong for her.

"They won't tell me how they're doing," she says frantic.

"Sit down, stay calm," I say. I don't know how to comfort her. I can't say that everything is going to be ok because I don't believe that.

"Ms. Walker?" another voice is behind me. I turn around and see a nurse. Her arms are held low. I follow them down to her lower abdomen and I see a man in a wheelchair. The most beautiful man I have ever seen. He sat there with a cut on his cheek, a scar on his forehead and the most messed up curly hair I have ever seen.

I tried to hold back the tears but the numbness went away and I couldn't help but feel the relief of having him there with me. I smiled on fell down to hug Harry. He held me tightly as I did to him. "I love you Harry so much. I...."

"Shh. I love you too," he sounded tired and weak. I pulled back and looked at his face. I touched his face and kissed him hard.

"How are you? Are you ok?" I ask. I was on my knees in front of him. He looked at me and smiled.

"Well I can stand up if you let me," he said. I stood up and stood back. He stood up too and gave me a real hug. I stepped aside and let everybody else see him.

The nurse was replaced with a doctor. He seemed sad. Harry saw and walked over to me. He held me at the side. "Your daughter is Bella Styles," he said.

"Yes," Harry answered. The quiet that came over the room was intense and painful. A discomfort washed over everybody as they recognized it was no time to be happy yet. We were still at the hospital waiting for everything to be ok.

"Your daughter is in critical care. The impact on her head has caused many injuries along with a small wound under her left arm. We've found glass in a small part of her foot. You should understand that we are doing everything we can for her. She's in surgery right now. I'm sorry but she only has a 50 % chance of survival," the doctor spoke like he's had this conversation rehearsed.

Harry thanked him and shook his hand. I couldn't move. I couldn't think. All the fear and panic had rushed back in. "Charlie it's going to be ok. She'll be alright," I hear Harry whisper in my ear. I look at him. I can tell he almost doesn't believe that, but he has to be strong for me.

I think I can feel tears running down my face but when I touch my cheek they're nearly dry. Harry pulled me to sit down. 'Charlie I'm so sorry. I love you ok,' echoed in the back of my head. The car hitting them played over and over in my head. I couldn't stop it. It wouldn't stop.

I sat there numb to the world, and in agony all alone. I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, and it almost felt like I couldn't breathe. A weight fell on top of me.

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