Chapter 26: Safe and Sound

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"Harry wake up," I mumble and turn over in our bed.

"Yea?" he asks sleepily.

"The baby's crying and it's your turn," I say and put my hand on his chest. I hear him let out a breath and I smile. He gets out of the bed and walks out of the room. The crying quiets and Harry enters the room again with something small and beautiful girl in his arms. I sit up and lean against the head board.

"Hey baby how are you?" I whisper as Harry hands her to me. I smile looking down at her face. She looks back up at me. Harry shuffles into the bed next to me. I look at him and smile. "Sing," I whisper and he smiles back.

"Just close your eyes

The sun is going down

You'll be alright

No one can hurt you now

Come morning light

You and I'll be

Safe and sound." He sings the lyrics to Taylor Swift and she closes her eyes. Harry kisses my cheek. "I love you Charlie," he whispers in my ear.

"Let's sleep with her tonight. In between us?" I say smiling and he nods his head. So we both lay down and I place her between the both of us. Harry reaches out and grabs my hand. I hold it tightly. "Goodnight angel," I whisper to her.

I wake up to an empty bed. The sun was pouring in brightly from the curtains that were drawn. I sit up and rub my eyes. "Safe and sound," I whisper to myself and get out of bed. I pull my robe across my body and walk into the living room. I see Harry there with our daughter in her sling. He puts on his coat and starts looking for his glasses.

"Going somewhere with my daughter?" I ask from the other end of the room.

"Yea recording, the boys want to meet her, and our daughter by the way," he says and walks over to me and gives me a kiss. I kiss her forehead too.

"Fine go and leave me here," I say and walk over to the couch. I grab his glasses and lift them into his sight.

"Thanks, and I can't believe you forgot," he says putting on his glasses.

"Forgot what?" I ask confused.

He walks over and picks up the pink diaper bag. I can't help but laugh. Harry was so not looking like a dad. He had on skinny jeans with holes in them, a button up shirt that was worn out at the hem, it was black and had small stars covering it, and his coat was long and khaki, almost going down to his knees. And his hat was on and boots. Then he had his baby secured to his front abdomen with a baby holder and I pink and orange baby back pack around his back.

"You invited your dad over today for coffee," Harry says and kisses me again. "Good luck babe I love you but I got to go." He walks out the house before I could say another word.

I cross my arms and let out a breath. "Safe and sound," I whisper again and plump down on the couch dreading the day ahead of me.

*Harry's pov*

"Oh my god she is beautiful," Perrie said taking my baby from me.

"Sorry she insisted," Zayn said and laughed. I shrugged. I sat down and the couch that was against the wall of the small room.

It had brown walls with a TV hanging up on one of them. In the room next door was the studio. There was another couch against the wall opposite to me and two chairs on the fourth one. There were two doors, one that opened up to a hall way the right wall and on the wall with the TV was another door leading a conference room.

There was a window right above my head showing the outside world and table in the center of the room with nothing but vase on it. No flowers.

"So how's Charlie?" Zayn asked sitting next to me. I couldn't stop looking at Perrie in one of the chairs holding my baby.

"Oh um she's fine. A lot happier that's for sure."

"How does it feel man? You know to be a dad, mate you're the first one."

"I know and you're the one getting married, but its surreal man it's like one day you're young and having fun, drinking and smoking. Then the next you're entire life alters. All I think about is my baby girl. I don't need anything else in my life but her. Everything now is worrying about if she's ok. Is my baby ok. And then the love that comes over you it's like nothing else. It's the love where you'll give anything to make sure she's happy, because when she's happy you're happy and when she smiles at me it's like heaven. It makes me think there is not place in this world I'd rather be."

Zayn let out a long breath and tried not to laugh. "That's great mate, and FYI you're getting married too," he says and gets up. Then Niall and Louis walk into the room. Niall goes over to the baby but Louis walks over to me.

"Hey man how you doing?" he asks and I get up and give him a hug.

"Fine. Sleep would be nice," I say and let out a breath. He laughs.

"Man that's what you sign up for when you don't use a condom," he says and laughs.

"Yea well I guess so," I laugh too. Niall walks over to me with the baby in his hand.

"She's so perfect," he says quietly and smiles.

"I'm happy you think so because I've been meaning to ask you something," I say and look at her. She was sleep in his arms.

"What's up bro?" he asked.

"Charlie and I want you to be her god father. If you're up for it," I say smiling.

"Are you kidding of course I am," Niall says excited.

"Good," I say and pat his back. " Thanks mate, for being there. Not only for me but for Charlie too. Without you I probably wouldn't even have her... both of them."

"No problem mate," he says and smiles

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