Chapter 43: I Do

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“Today’s the day, the sun is shining, the tank is clean,” Ryder chimed walking around the room. I laughed and looked at myself in the mirror. Today was the day. The sun was shining but there is no tank. At least not in here. “Are you ready to get married Mrs. Walker- Styles?” Ryder asked.

I stood up from the vanity mirror. “I don’t know. What if I’m not? What if something bad happens? Bad things happen a lot especially to me. Like what if on our way to the airport our limo gets rammed off of a bridge?” I say in a fake panic.

“What the hell? Who the fuck thinks like that?” Ryder said and I laughed. “Well I guess you have to admit you don’t have the best luck with cars. Good thing you won’t be driving your own limo right?” she said and smiled. I rolled my eyes and flash her a sarcastic smile. I looked back into the mirror and Anne and Gemma walked into the room.

“Oh you look amazing,” Anne said walking over to me and giving me a hug.

“Thanks,” Ryder called from the bathroom. I rolled my eyes again and Gemma laughed a little. She walked over and gave me a hug.

“You really do Charlie. Now are you sure you want to marry my brother because I’m ok with you running now,” Gemma said and gave me a hug.

“No you can’t. I’ve helped you spend too much damn time on this wedding and I don’t feel like having to move out of my house again,” Ryder says walking out of the bathroom. The whole room laughs and then there’s a knock at the door.  Niall and Louis walk into the room.

“Niall,” I say and he walks over to me.

“No boys allowed,” Anne jokes.

“We only came to see the beautiful bride and to tell you that Harry is going absolutely mad in the room next to you,” Louis says. I smiled knowing he was as nervous as I am. I walk through the room and open the door. I walk down the hall to Harry’s room. I knock on the door.

“Who is it?” Harry calls out from behind the door. I can hear his feet shuffling towards the door.

“It’s me Harry don’t open it,” I say quickly before he opens the door.

“Charlie? I’m so happy to hear your voice,” he says against the door.

“I heard you were freaking out,” I say and lean against the door.

“I am.”

I slid down and sit on the ground. “Me too, but I’ve never felt so ready start the rest of my life. Harry I love you,” I say.

“I love you too Charlie. I can’t wait for you to be my wife,” Harry says and my heart flutters. I am going to be his wife. Forever, I guess I do understand the concept of forever because I know I want to spend every day of the rest of my life with him. I want to argue and get mad at him and I want to laugh and play with him.

“I can’t wait to be your wife Harry. I love you Harry. Forever,” I say.

“I love you too Charlie for always,” he says. “Now get up from the floor and go get your dress on. We don’t have to much more time.” I smile.

“Yes sir,” I say and get up. I walk down the hall feeling all of my nerves go away.  I’ve never felt so ready for something in my life. I want to be with Harry forever and today was just the day I got to say that aloud. I walked back into the room I was getting ready in and began to put on my dress.

Harry and I were getting married in the back of an old lake house. We got ready inside the house but the ceremony was on a dock that extended out onto the lake. It was beautiful. It kind of reminded me of the house off of The Notebook.

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