Chapter 11: You broke me

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Charlie's pov

"She's what?" I asked almost impossibly.

"Charlie I'm sorry," her mother tried to console me.

"No please just. I have to go," I was unable to think straight. I walked out the hall and down the stair case, onto the street. I was so lost and confused. Was Mickey gone?

No she couldn't be gone. But of course she was gone because everybody leaves. I got into a taxi and told them where to go. I got back to the bus and sat down crying to myself.

I was crying for hours before the boys came home I looked up and counted four. "Charlie what's wrong?" Niall walked over to me and held me.

"It's Mickey. She's dead," I cried into his chest. I looked up for Harry. "Where's Harry?" I asked looking for him.


"We all went out after the concert, he decided to stay for a little while," Liam interrupted Niall.

"Um ok.." I said wiping my face. I turned on the Tv and sat back on the couch. I flipped through the channels.

"Could it be splitsville for Charry?" Julian Rancit said as I changed the channel. I stopped the channel and continued to listen. "So earlier we saw Charlie Walker with another guy yesterday and now there's pictures of Harry seen at another club leaving with a different girl. Could they both be cheaters or was it already over before Charry was seen?"

"What the fuck!" I got up and turned off the Tv. All the grieve and mourning I was feeling from earlier fuelled a hate fire that started off in the bottom of my stomach.

I got up and screamed. My heart hurt literally. Literally it ached so much I couldn't take it. I clenched my chest at the pain. "Ahh!" I cried out. Everything around me turned black and I was all alone again.

"Everybody leaves," I chanted to myself. I ran outside of the bus and sat on the ground.

"Charlie! Charlie!" I heard Niall's voice call for me. He held me and picked me up.

"Charlie breath! It's ok!"

"No it's not ok. He's gone, she's gone, everybody leaves."

"Not me Charlie I told you I'm not going anywhere," he pulled me back to earth. I cried into his chest. He held me close.

"Why would he do this to me Niall?" I cried.

"I don't know Charlie. I don't know," he said back and kissed my head. "Lets get back inside," he said and we walked back inside. "You want to go to bed?"

"Um no I think I might stay up for a little longer." I got up and grabbed a bottle of wine out the cabinet. I sat down on the couch and drank up. After the bottle was done I felt the alcohol numb enough pain for sleep.

I laid down next to Niall. He flipped around and wrapped his arm around me. "You ok?" He asked sleepily.

"Only if for the night," I said I laid into his chest. I cried myself to sleep that night.

Harry's pov

I got back to the bus around five in the morning. Everything was a little hizzy but I managed. I got inside and closed the door behind myself. My head ache was pounding and my body still felt filthy from last night.

I walked through the bunk area and saw an abnormal lump in Niall's bunk. I looked to see it was Charlie. "What the fuck?" I screamed out pulling Niall off the bunk.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Niall shot back. He stood up off the floor and pushed me back.

"The question is what the fuck do you think your doing sleeping with my girl?"

"Well maybe if your dumb ass was actually here to comfort your girlfriend when she needed you she wouldn't be in my bed!" I snapped. I pushed him back again. I landed a punch right on his face and continued to throw them.

"Harry! What the fuck!" I heard Charlie scream out. The rest of the boys got up and started pulling me off of Niall. They pushed me outside of the bus to calm down.

Charlie followed me outside. "What the fuck is your problem Harry?" She yelled at me.

"What the fuck is yours? Sleeping with Niall? That's what you do now!"

"Who ever said I slept with Niall! And by the way you have no right to get mad at anything I do right now because your the one who was out with some bitch all night!"

"You cheated on me first!"

"What? With the grocer at the super market? Are you really that stupid? Of course you are! No I never cheated on you Harry Styles, but of course fucking Harry Styles couldn't understand that because he's to fucking immature to ever talk to anyone."

"Then where were you last night? You didn't answer your phone."

"You really want to know where I was? I was here needing my boyfriend because my best friend died Harry! Because my best friend is dead and the only person I ever wanted to be with at that moment was you. But you were to busy out fucking some slut."

"Charlie I..." I didn't know what to say. I had lost her. I had lost everything. She was going to leave me. I tried to walk over to her but she pulled away.

"No Harry. There's nothing you can say anymore. Congratulations you broke my code. You tried so hard and you got it. Are you happy now? You got me and you stuck a knife right through my heart and the worst part about it is I actually thought I could trust you. I thought for one time in my life I wouldn't be alone anymore. Well fuck wasn't I wrong."

"Charlie please don't do this. Look at me."

"I can't anymore Harry. I hate you. I knew I didn't do the whole rock star thing." She ran away, back into the bus.

"Fuck!" I punched the closest thing to me, which happened to be the bus. I punched it until my knuckles were bruised.

"Harry!" Niall's voice snapped me out of it. "Calm down mate," he said approaching me. His eye was bruised and his lip didn't look so good either.

"I lost her man. I can't breathe, I can't think, it fucking happened two minutes ago and I'm lost without her. I need her back."

"I don't know if that's going to happen."

"Why did you let me leave last night Niall? Why did you let me go?"

"I'm sorry. We got to go now. We have to get going." He lifted me up and we walked into the bus. All the boys were sitting there. I was looking for Charlie but she was no where to be seen.

"She's in the shower," Zayn said looking at me. I nodded. I knew she was gone all I could do now was say goodbye. I walked back to the shower and stripped down. I walked inside quietly to hear her crying.

I held her knowing that's all she really ever wanted from me. She turned around in the small space allowed and rested her head on my chest. I kissed her head and held her closer. "I'm so sorry Charlie," I cried to her. She looked up at me and I saw her eyes, it felt for the first time.

I saw how hurt she was. I saw how hard everything had hit her. I saw how in mourning she was. She had lost so much and she was still losing everything. It almost killed me to look into her eyes. I could feel all the pain that I had caused her. They were so cold and dark, filled to the brink with loneliness. I had always imagined her to be invincible, taking on the world, fighting back. Now she was broken, and I could see her alone with herself and only her. Yet still I could see longing. I could see I was all she wanted. Was at least.

"Just one last time please Harry. Don't leave tonight. You can go tomorrow but I need you tonight." I bent down and kissed her hard. It was the only thing I could do. It was the only love I could give her.

I made love to her for one last night.

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